Roundup: Fans on how they’d like Episode VII to begin

james-specSomewhere in space… I don’t read speculation and I try not to even link outright speculation, but our own JawaJames is one of the fans that’s Christian Blauvelt asked to help ‘storyboard’ their hopes for a beginning to Episode VII.

Wonder twin powers activate? Hot around the internet yesterday was a report from The Inquirer about a presentation where they talk about using gaming engines to drive VFX. I’m not an expert, but there’s a video if you’re really into that sort of thing. And 1313 is referred to as still being in production? Okaaaay…

Your moment of zen. I already wrote up that J.J. Abrams quotes from the other day, but the undisputed champion of that round is clearly The A.V. Club’s Sean O’Neal.

J.J. Abrams wants Episode VII to feel “authentic”

J. J. Abrams on the set of Star Trek Into Darkness

Well, it’s not a J.J. Abrams quote about Star Wars if it’s not super-vague… The Episode VII director tells Entertainment Weekly that he wants the film to feel “as emotional and authentic and exciting as possible.” Naturally.

“It’s been nice see that how important it is and to be reminded how important it is to so many people. We all know that [creator George Lucas’] dream has become almost a religion to some people. I remember reading a thing somewhere, someone wrote about just wanting [the new film] to feel real; to feel authentic. I remember I felt that way when I was 11 years old when I saw the first one. As much of a fairy tale as it was, it felt real. And to me, that is exactly right.”

Alrightly then. I feel like we’ve all learned something here. Or not.

Rumor: David Oyelowo, Michael B. Jordan going for roles in Episode VII?

Oyelowo and JordanLatino Review’s El Mayimbe is dropping names again. He doesn’t know what role or roles they went in for, but both David Oyelowo (The Butler) and Michael B. Jordan have auditioned… And Jordan, who’s getting a lot of buzz for Fruitvale Station, has met with J.J. Abrams personally. He’s also been rumored as a top contender to play Johnny Storm in The Fantastic Four reboot.

It’s also somewhat amusing to see that even the rumormongers are getting frustrated with the cloud of secrecy from Disney, Lucasfilm and Bad Robot… But this is a good start for everyone disappointed in the lack of diversity seen thus far in the rumors.

Rumors: Episode VII to film in Las Cruces, Saoirse Ronan read for a part, and Cumberbatch is still in

Saoirse Ronan in 'How I Live Now'Latino Review is at it again! Today, Kellvin Chavez says that the New Mexico filming location will be Las Cruces, but very little will actually be shot there and in Los Angeles: “90%” of the filming will happen in London.

As for actors, Chavez claims that Saoirse Ronan has read for a part. And while they don’t know what exactly she read for, their source does say there’s a female villain in the movie.

UPDATE: Bleeding Cool’s Brendon Connelly has also heard about Ronan, and talks about how great it is that there are two female leads in the film.

And he maintains that Benedict Cumberbatch will be in the entire trilogy, with his Episode VII role being “very small” but getting much bigger in the two later films.

Will Las Cruces pan out? Will Ronan get a part? Will the Cumberbatch runaround ever not be tedious? For now, we have no idea, but as always, remember that none of this is official until Lucasfilm says so.

Episode VII: Is New Mexico a possible location?

Where so many westerns have gone before...Rumor One Headlight Ink is reporting that New Mexico may also host some Episode VII shooting. Hopefully to some of the less familiar areas, if this pans out.

BUSTED. Bryan Young debunks a few of the internet’s less solid Episode VII ‘reports:’ That Han Solo and Boba Fett movies were ‘confirmed’ and a 2005 photo being passed off as a post-Episode VII workout Mark Hamill.

Actors. Jonathan Rhys Meyers talks to Entertainment Weekly about his Star Wars rumor.

Report: J.J. Abrams to do some Episode VII post-production in Los Angeles

abrams-junketThe Hollywood Reporter says this morning thatJ.J. Abrams and Lucasfilm have struck a compromise to keep at least some of Episode VII’s post-production at bad Robot’s Santa Monica headquarters. They include a few renovations:

A green room, sound studios and other new facilities will be developed within the three-story, 18,000-square-foot Santa Monica building, which already includes editing bays, a workshop for making props, a screening room that can double as a set and Abrams’ personal suite of offices.

Abrams has mainly shot all his films thus far in Los Angeles, but Episode VII is expected to start production in January at Pinewood Studios outside of London. The supposed friction over Lucasfilm’s U.K. plans led to some quickly denied rumors that he might drop out last month.

Rumors: ‘A New Dawn’ title, Millennium Falcon set kicking around again for Episode VII

Lando, Han and the Falcon in ROTJ

FRYSQUINT: SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.We first heard last year that A New Dawn was a possible Episode VII title, but now it’s come up again, via newbie rumormonger TalkBacker. More interesting perhaps is this:

“… yes the falcon will make a big appearance, 1.1 scale size cross section is being constructed over at Pinewood, along with a power plant set and the famous cantina.”

The Millennium Falcon is pretty much a given if Harrison Ford signs on – maybe even if he doesn’t – but the cantina? Hrm. As always, I remain skeptical, particularly of the title bit. But whatever Episode VII turns out to be named, I don’t expect we’ll hear for a while.

“No offers:” Benedict Cumberbatch on the Cumberrumor

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.Benedict Cumberbatch was asked about the Episode VII casting rumor at the Toronto International Film Festival, The Toronto Sun reports. Of course, “no offers have been made,” is vague enough that the rumor isn’t quite dead yet… But even if you don’t believe this doesn’t mean he’s not in talks, expect to hear confirmation of “the regulars” before we get any new folks.

Meanwhile, here’s been some panty-twisting over a post that references other recent casting rumors in Lucasfilm’s invite-only forum Obi Wants To Know Me. I find it all a bit silly and I wouldn’t take it as anything other than ‘Lucasfilm knows there are rumors!’ but whatever. (But if there is any truth to said rumor, let’s hope it’s for Hurd-Wood’s sake.)

Episode VII: Spartacus actor auditions for a Jedi role, more castings and #BringBackLando!

Why hello there, Liam McIntyreCasting rumor du jour, part 2. RebelForce Radio tells Jedi News that their DragonCon correspondent, Riley of The Star Wars Report, had a conversation with actor Liam McIntyre (Spartacus) who told him that he’s auditioned for a Jedi role in Episode VII. They’ll reveal more on tomorrow’s episode.

Casting calls. Meanwhile it seems there’s more casting going in New York. Only three roles, but they sound similar to several from the earlier slate. Could they already have folks (or finalists?) for the other parts?

Returning faces? Billy Dee Williams was also at DragonCon, and his manager said that Ford, Fisher and Hamill still aren’t signed. They’re urging folks to show their support for bringing back Billy Dee – who wants Lando to have “a beautiful daughter who’s a Jedi” – by using the hashtag #BringBackLando.