“Disney” has said nothing to me and I expect nothing. That a couple of friends were wishing is only an expression of the hope that many are sharing but says nothing regarding the Studio itself. Even if ‘they’ did ask, which Disney has not, I’d rather leave the new films to the next generation to interpret. I’ve had my time and they were exceptional blessings for which I will forever be grateful.
Disappointing, but the man is retired, after all. Still, I hope Lucasfilm and Disney continue the trend of painted artwork for the primary movie posters – even if it is with a different artist. I’m sure there are plenty of worthy contenders out there who’d love the chance.
The Wrap is reporting that J. J. Abrams will be directing Episode VII, despite severaldenials. They say that Kathleen Kennedy “has been courting” the Star Trek director for the job.
Del Rey had a Facebook chat with Timothy Zahn for Scoundrels today, and it was… Very busy. I admit I skimmed most of the actual questions, but I can verify that all of Zahn’s answers are free of spoilers for Scoundrels.
There was a lot of old ground covered, but we did get a surprisingly detailed look at what Zahn has pitched to Del Rey. He begins:
If there are to be more books, and if LFL/Del Rey/Disney decide to let me write some of them, I have a trilogy project to pitch where the third book would also be the third book of the Hand of Judgment series (Allegiance and Choices of One). Again, I don’t know if that will happen.
And later….
A Fel or Chiss novel would be fun. As a matter of fact, the trilogy I mentioned above (which I’ll pitch if I’m invited to do another book) would have one book heavily involving Thrawn and the Chiss. (The middle book, btw, would feature Mara being sent to stop an assassination…against Vader. Imagine the fun they would *both* have with *that* assignment.) The proposed series title is The Maestro Trilogy, if anyone wants to star nagging Del Rey. (No, seriously, *don’t* nag. Just ask politely…)
When asked about his favorite era:
At the moment I like writing in the Ep 4/5 gap, partly because the characters are so much fun in that era and partly because the territory hasn’t been as well explored. However, I understand there are several books now scheduled in that time, so it may start getting crowded. As to other eras, the Old Republic era has a lot of good writers who are working there, and I’m not sure whether Del Rey is planning to go beyond Legacy of the Force right now. If the Ep 3/4 gap is ever opened up (LFL so far has kept that off-limits) there are a bunch of stories I could tell there.
And naturally he was asked quite a bit about the sequel trilogy and how it relates to his books:
Actually, I think Disney will do right by LFL. Their record with Pixar and Marvel indicates they know how to step back and let the people who know what they’re doing just do it. With Kathleen Kennedy now helming LFL, and with all the wonderfully talented people already in place there, I’m expecting good things to come. Of course, if Disney decided they wanted a couple of TV shows, and just *happened* to think of Mara Jade or the Hand of Judgment, I would certanly not stand in their way.
As to whether any of my characters might show up in the sequels: Again, no idea what’s being planned, but I would naturally love to see something I’ve done up there on the Big Screen.
Overall, I find myself hoping (yet again) that Del Rey finds a different way to do these chats. Sure, a couple good things came out of this one, but it was a bit of a mess…
In a joint interview with Sam Witwer (on Being Human,) artist Drew Struzan reveals he’s been approached by Disney for new Star Wars art.
…in fact, I got a couple calls already this week on Star Wars from Disney. Oh my god, I’m trying to be retired! You know, I spent 35 years painting Star Wars. [laughs] I painted Star Wars before most of you were born! But I guess there is always a chance. There’s no intention. But I would love to have a day off every now and again, and I have to work a weekend and all through the night. If the opportunity arises, it will be a real temptation.
This certainly isn’t confirmation that he’ll do it, but I can’t imagine Episode VII without at least one Struzan poster.
We report rumors, yes. Do I believe them all? Of course not. Hell, in a previous round, I got so angry at people misusing the term ‘confirmed’ that I wrote a whole post about it. The internet is a crazy place and things spread like wildfire, but please, please please be smart about these things. The rumors aren’t going to be going away any time soon, no matter how hard you wish they would.
Vulture reports that director director Zack Snyder (300, the forthcoming Man of Steel) is developing a Star Wars project for Lucasfilm that will be “parallel to the next trilogy.”
It will be an as-yet-untitled Jedi epic loosely based on Akira Kurosawa’s 1954 classic Seven Samurai, with the ronin and katana being replaced by the Force-wielding knights and their iconic lightsabers.
Within hours, Snyder’s representative denied the rumors to The Hollywood Reporter. “While he is super flattered because he is a huge fan, Zack is not involved in any way with the new Star Wars. He is currently in post on his two films, Man of Steel and 300: Battle of Artemisia.”
Vulture is standing by their report, claiming their source says Snyder had met with Lucasfilm. They say the denial has to do with studio politics regarding the possibility of a Man of Steel sequel.
I admit I rather hope the denial stays the status quo… Snyder’s made some decent action flicks, but he’s not someone I’m salivating to see take on Star Wars.
This isn’t the first rumor regarding possible side projects. Still unconfirmed are the reports of a Kasdan/Kinberg project, which was also described as being “separate” from the new episodes.
Yes, I’ve folded two weeks into this one, because between Christmas and the New Year it seems that most of Twitter had better things to do – and you don’t even want to know how many posts I saw where people admitting to watching Star Wars sans pants. Instead, we celebrated 100 episodes of The Clone Wars, offered wedding planning services, considered Ewok poop and more.
Director Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy) tells Playlist that he was approached about Episode VII:
“We got one phone call to my agent saying, ‘Is Guillermo interested?’ And basically I have so much stuff already of my own, and I’m pursuing stuff that I’m generating already…” he said, explaining that he ultimately turned it down.
With numerous directing, producing and writing projects in the works, Del Toro made it clear that his own slate is full enough to keep him occupied, but he was still pleased to be approached. “It was very flattering,” he said, adding: “It was just a phone call, it didn’t go past that, it was very nice to be asked, but believe it or not, I’m busy enough.”
He also said he would have loved to see Brad Bird tackle the film. (via)
There are plenty of options for characters, Expanded Universe or no Expanded Universe, and 2012 was a banner year for female-led action movies – with three more Hunger Games films and a female Expendables (for instance) on the horizon, there’s certainly momentum.
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