J.J. Abrams: Lack of Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens promotions is “no accident”

The Associated Press was first to ask The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams about how Luke Skywalker has been missing from all the promotional material. “These are good questions to be asking,” he said. “I can’t wait for you to find out the answer.”

“It’s no accident,” he continued.

Vanity Fair - Kylo RenOne thing we can put to rest: Luke is not Kylo Ren. Adam Driver is playing Kylo Ren, not Mark Hamill, which we’ve known since the Vanity Fair shots were unveiled in May. Bring up the Kahn fib from Star Trek Into Darkness all you like, but no one was going around saying that Benedict Cumberbatch’s role was actually being played by Bruce Greenwood. A ten-year-old video of Mark Hamill saying he’d have liked a more complicated arc in Return of the Jedi is not really the best evidence for that actually happening now.

Abrams also addressed where production stands: “The visual effects process goes on for so long that my guess is we’ll probably be doing visual effects for the next three or four weeks, even though the cut will be done before then. We’re in the editing room working on the cut, going over visual effects and going over reviews. We still have another scoring session with John Williams, who’s a god when it comes to music.”

Lucasfilm thanks fans for response to The Force Awakens trailer


In a new post on StarWars.com, Lucasfilm thanks fans for their response and enthusiam regarding the new trailer.

Thank you all for making the Star Wars universe what it is, and for keeping it alive and growing and meaningful. Star Wars is back and beginning an exciting new journey, and it’s because of you.

They also reveal that the trailer has been viewed online more than 112 million times in 24 hours.

And since it’s been such a busy week, here’s an overview of our own trailer coverage:

→ The trailer itself and some quick analysis. Dunc’s early reaction can be heard along with the rest of the Trailer Council and James live-watches.

john-boyega-vertPost-trailer tweets, because we know what you’re here for. Don’t miss John Boyega’s extended reaction video (and BB-8’s!)

Ticket sales go nuts and other post-trailer miscellany, though at least one record went unbroken.

More on the trailer’s music, and hear an isolated version of it without all those distracting visuals and dialouge.

A pair of interesting meta peices on the Jedi Order prompted by the trailer. We also reblogged several interesting Tiumblr posts: The stories, Kylo Ren’s stance and his place as a villian

On that note, we’ve featured quite a bit The Force Awakens stuff on Tumblr lately.

New Star Wars trailer doesn’t break own traffic record


The third trailer for The Force Awakens couldn’t beat the one-day viewing record set by the second trailer in April. (Yes, technically the new one is the trailer and the last one was a teaser, but: Deal with it.) Still, 37 million views is nothing to sniff at – and that’s only Youtube. An estimated 15.9 million tuned into to Monday Night Football during halftime for the trailer’s official debut.

The case for (and against) a new Jedi Order


Two different opinion pieces (or, as we call them in girl fandom, meta) regarding the Jedi Order popped up on the internet today.

The first, by Nanci at Tosche Station, argues for a restored Jedi Order – but a very different one than we saw in the prequels or the Legends novels.

In the second, Chris Taylor at Mashable considers the ramifications of the balance of the Force, and what that means for Luke Skywalker and the Jedi.

The Force Awakens trailer music wasn’t arranged by John Williams after all (but it’s still pretty great)


While the music in the latest trailer for The Force Awakens obviously uses John Williams’ original work from the previous Star Wars installments, it’s not a newly composed track from the composer, as many of us originally assumed. /Film digs in a little and comes up with a few names.

Below, a version of the trailer music with the distracting volume fluctuations for dialouge normalized. (via)

The Force Awakens: After the trailer roundup


If you want some analysis on the trailer as a marketing move, Devin Faraci at Birth Movies Death has it down: “What we’re seeing is a major blockbuster hitting the standard checkpoints of movie marketing with great reluctance.”

Meredith Woerner at the L.A. Times has pieced together stuff from the trailers with convention-season cast interviews and is, if nothing else, a good refresher for those who aren’t spending 99% of their time in “the bubble.”

→ In China, the trailer debuted on the Great Wall, because why not.

→ All The Force Awakens trailer numbers you may need.

→ AMC will be giving out a cool poster to folks who go see the film in IMAX 3D.

→ Relevant! There’s a new interview with Pablo Hidalgo (plus Dave Filoni, Shelly Shapiro, Chuck Wendig and Kieron Gillen) about Lucasfilm’s Story Group.

→ Spoilers! Someone let slip some interesting info on Pip Anderson’s character to the Making Star Wars folks last night.

→ There’s a music-only version of the trailer. On that note, Ali Arikan at Slate writes about the brand-new John Williams score.

The Force Awakens’ ticket sales are already pretty bonkers


The Force Awakens has prompted “unprecedented ticketing demand,” according to online ticket seller Fandango. Traffic on the website seven times their usual peak, and they’ve sold “eight times as many tickets as we did on the first day of sales for the previous record holder.” The chain AMC says they sold out 1,000 shows in under 12 hours, while MovieTickets.com says The Force Awakens tickets accounted for 95% of sales yesterday.

Servers crashed left and right last night, and the Alamo Drafthouse chain even had to issue an apology.

If you don’t have tickets yet, many theaters are adding new shows, but I’d still grab them as soon as you can.