Entertainment Weekly’s Rise of Skywalker issue and other movie news

Entertainment Weekly has unleashed the cover story, and it’s actually three covers: One for each trilogy. And great news for those who love publicity shots! Honestly, this whole thing makes me yearn for the days of illustrations on magazine covers. But seriously, the main cover story, several new images, and of course, Rey’s parentage and Reylo.

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Adam Driver on Colbert: What kind of husband Kylo Ren would be?

In his appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Adam Driver says that what J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio came up with for The Rise of Skywalker is “unique” and “rare.” And, because he’s promoting Marriage Story, Stephen asked him what kind of husband Kylo Ren would be. The first part of the interview, on Marriage Story, under the cut:

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Out this week: Marvel Star Wars ends, Force Collector

We have one novel, one comic and two trade reprints out this week. There’s also one book that actually came out last week that I had misdated – The Secrets of the Jedi by Marc Sumerak. On Tuesday, November 19 we have Kevin Shinick’s Force Collector, a YA novel set around the time of The Force Awakens.

On Wednesday, November 19, Marvel’s Star Wars #75, the last issue until the followup (next month) and the title’s ESB rebirth in January. On the trade front, there’s Age of Resistance: Villains and Star Wars Volume 12.

The Mandalorian has a name after all

Pedro Pascal is dropping information!  The name of the Mandalorian in The Mandalorian is Din Jarin, (spelling verification to come?) he says in handout video posted by ScreenSlam.

Hopefully it comes up in the show – and he gets rid of that helmet at least some of the time. (Why do you hire Pedro Pascal and keep a helmet on him all the time?!?)

Of course there’s a new Greedo change in the Disney+ version of A New Hope

Hey kids! Who wants to re-litigate the Special Editions? Yes, in the version of A New Hope on Disney+, there’s a new change in the ever-controversial scene where Han Solo and Greedo exchange blaster bolts. This time? Greedo says “maclunkey!” And yes, George Lucas did it. Go figure.


Honestly, at this point I think they just do it to mess with us. And, y’know, bringing up one of the longest-running OT controversies is great publicity for the films being on Disney+. But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. Or something.