Poll: Your Star Wars focus

Do you buy as much Star Wars stuff as you can afford? Do you spend several hours a week arguing with other fans? Reading the books and analyzing ever last detail? (Sometimes before the thing is even out?) Reading or writing fanfic? Drawing fanart? Reproducing costumes? Are you planning on taking time off work in September so you can give The Force Unleashed your full attention?

What are your fannish foci? Pick your poisons under the cut or on the sidebar. Continue reading “Poll: Your Star Wars focus”

Polls: Continuity results, Jedi Twilight

The results of our continuity poll are in, and it reveals that most of CJ’s readers ( a whooping 54%) are of the school that doesn’t sweat the small stuff, while 27% of you care quite a bit, 11% of you don’t really care much as long as the major stuff is consistant, and only 8% of you turn an extremely selective eye upon the process. Yay?

Our new poll is about the latest release, Jedi Twilight, first book of the Coruscant Nights trilogy. Weigh in on the sidebar or under the cut – it’ll stick around until July 13th. Continue reading “Polls: Continuity results, Jedi Twilight

Poll: How much do you care about continuity?

Have you ever bemoaned a minor error in a novel as the end of Star Wars as we know it? Do clumsy retcons set you raging? Did the prequel’s Jossing of previously established EU elements make you seek therapy? Are you up all hours on TFN or Wookieepedia debating such things? If so, sometimes you scare even me, but it’s our latest poll nonetheless. Vote beneath the cut or on the sidebar. Continue reading “Poll: How much do you care about continuity?”

Poll results: Upcoming Star Wars novels

156 readers weighed in, and there’s nothing too surprising here: Stover’s Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor, set not long after Return of the Jedi, took a clear lead with 61 votes; Luceno’s Millennium Falcon, our first look at the GFFA after the events of Legacy of the Force, took second with 43 votes. (Don’t forget these two recently swapped street dates: It’s good news for at least 43 of you.) Traviss’ Republic Commando: Order 66 and Reaves’ Coruscant Nights trilogy dueled it out for third place, ending up with 28 and 24 votes, respectively.

Poll: Upcoming Star Wars novels

IMAGE: 2008 novels, and no, that is not the real MF cover, just a ROTJ still.

Our latest poll went up yesterday, and asks which upcoming novel you’re straining at the bit for – The Coruscant Nights trilogy by Michael Reaves (The first book, Jedi Twilight, comes out in two weeks,) Karen Traviss’ Order 66 (September 16,) Matthew Stover’s Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (December) or James Luceno’s Millennium Falcon (October.) Vote on the sidebar or under the cut. Continue reading “Poll: Upcoming Star Wars novels”

Poll results: Invincible and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I kind of missed the pie charts, until I made two of them in a single night. Anyway, here are the results of our two-week polls concerning the two biggest events of May: the final Legacy of the Force novel (fig. 1) and the long-awaited fourth Indiana Jones movie (fig. 2.) Overall, it seems you guys liked them – although you clearly liked Indy a lot more. Of course, he received the most votes as well – 154 to Invincible’s 119. (Not too shabby on the book’s part, even considering that our audience is a bit skewed in that regard.)