Out this week: Fate of the Jedi’s Apocalypse arrives

What more is there to say about Apocalypse at this point? Troy Denning’s finale of the Fate of the Jedi series drops tomorrow, and I think all of us – fans and cynics alike – are more than ready to put this series (and maybe even the format) to bed.

Fans: Don’t forget about Troy Denning’s book tour.

Cynics: Remember, this book contains our first look at Aaron Allston’s X-Wing: Mercy Kill.

By the by, the spoilers for Apocalypse are insane. And that’s all I’m going to say. For now. (Assuming this book doesn’t start off with six straight chapters of Sith ala Ascension, in which case it may take me another 7 months to force myself to read it…)

As for the comic readers, Wednesday brings Agent of The Empire – Iron Eclipse #4 and Knights of The Old Republic: War #3

EUbits: Fate of the Jedi is ending, have you heard?

Fate of the Jedi. Apocalypse is only days away, and so there is a book trailer. (Naturally.) And a mini-excerpt. And a 50-page excerpt. And Troy Denning on a podcast. And, of course, another spoiler-free review at Star Wars Report. Will it ever end? (Well, yes. Presumably, Tuesday. And then, the arguing. Yay!)

Comics. John Jackson Miller talks about Knight Errant’s next arc, ‘Escape,’ with io9’s Cyriaque Lamar.

Upcoming. DK will be releasing The Old Republic Encyclopedia this fall, Roqoo Depot discovered.

The blogside. Roqoo Depot’s Skuldren speaks out against super-powered characters in video games and the EU. In my book, that’s a very big reason why certain streams should no be crossing… Meanwhile, io9 makes a valiant effort to connect the Star Wars timeline to Earth’s timeline – pity that the comic tale they’re using as a cornerstone is kind of, a little bit, well, actually entirely Infinities, aka a non-canon AU. Which they admit. But still.

Okay, fine. If it’s an actual EU timeline you’re looking for (sorry, no Earth,) here’s an official one from Del Rey.

Review. James gives the latest Clone Wars digest, The Enemy Within, a thumbs-up for its Dirty Dozen meets L.A. Confidential in space storyline.

Out this week: Crimson Empire III, The Enemy Within

Once again, we have a week without a book release, but Wednesday does bring a few things to your local comic shop. First up is Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost #5, as the series winds up to next month’s conclusion. Then, for the The Clone Wars fans, there’s The Enemy Within trade, which Dark Horse is describing as “Dirty Dozen in space.”

Of course, next week, we’ll finally get the last Fate of the Jedi book, Troy Denning’s Apocalypse. Which means now is the time for those of us who’ve been slacking (ahem, yours truly) to finally get around to reading finishing Ascension. For those who are hanging on every word, Lightsaber Rattling has the first review. He hints at some spoilers, but nothing major.

First issues of Dawn of the Jedi to be reprinted

Dark Horse Comics announced yesterday that Issues #0 and #1 of the new Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi series would be reprinted after retail outlets reported selling out and not meeting demand. Not a bad way to kick off a new series! If you missed getting the backgrounder guide of #0, or the first part of the story in #1, make sure your local comics shop sets them aside for you when both come back on March 21, which conveniently is when #2 is also going to hit stores. The series by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema goes back 25,000 years, to a time before Jedi and lightsabers. On the fence? I’ve handily reviewed the two issues over at Big Shiny Robot: Issue #0 and Issue #1.

Eighth Lost Tribe of the Sith story is live

The final free installment of John Jackson Miller’s Lost Tribe of the Sith, Secrets is avaliable now. It also contains an excerpt from Fate of the Jedi: Apocalpse, which will be out on March 13.

A ninth Lost Tribe of the Sith tale will be avaliable in June, when the whole series is published as a paperback. For now, Miller has posed his notes to several past installments.

EUbits: Where the hell are the female protagonists?

The blogside. Over at EU Cantina, Nanci has a lot to say about the disappointment that many were feeling about yesterday’s cancellation of the Nomi Sunrider novel, and why it’s important for the books to start nurturing their female characters. Meanwhile, at Roqoo Depot, Lane has something you can link to your curious friends: An introductory roadmap for the Expanded Universe.

Sneak peeks. There’s been an abundance of previews for Essential Guide to Warfare. Three on Facebook (a map, Lando at Taanab and one of Luke and Daala. Dude is too old for the shag, not that I’m advocating a return to the Wall Street.) plus 10 more at io9 today. Lots of ships and battles and things, but there is one of Anakin and Ahsoka.

Fate of the Jedi. Yet another mini-excerpt from Apocalypse, plus a link to Roqoo Depot’s giveaway.

Interview. Knights Archive talks to Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff about Shadow Games and the upcoming fourth Coruscant Nights book.

Review. James is kinda meh on Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost #5.

Irvine’s Nomi Sunrider novel canceled; Karpyshyn’s new Old Republic novel is Annihilation

Nomi Sunrider / Tales of the JediWe got a lengthy update from Del Rey’s Frank Parisi today, and what’s most of interest to our particular readership is probably the cancellation of Alex Irvine’s Nomi Sunrider novel, one of the few upcoming projects featuring a female protagonist. The novel was known – tentatively – as Mandorla and apparently featured Mandalorians. (Which takes a bit of the sting out of the news, I must say.)

The rest of the post is a few details of Drew Karpyshyn’s next Old Republic novel, including the title, Annihilation. It also has a release date, November 13, and features Republic agent Theron Shan, from the comic The Old Republic: The Lost Suns.

The schedule given is consistent with what we’ve had, though we do have a new tentative date for Zahn’s Han Solo novel – Winter 2012.

Out this week: Red Harvest in paperback

The cupboard is pretty bare this week: No comics and a reprint. If anyone has been waiting for the paperback to pick up Joe Schreiber’s Red Harvest, it’ll be in stores tomorrow.

(Note that it has a different cover from the hardcover – is two enough to call it a trend?)

Our next book release, on March 13, will be Troy Denning’s Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse, the last book in the series. (Though, no, most probably not the last go for the OT movie characters.) Are you ready to put a lid on the mega-series era?

For releases above and beyond Star Wars, check out Suvudu’s list, which includes new books from Tobias S. Buckell, Melanie Rawn and more.

EUbits: Do we need George Lucas?

The blogside. With a title like ‘We Don’t Need George Lucas,’ the latest Action/Reaction over at EU Cantina was was bound to be controversial. Chris has some interesting points (yes, George Lucas worship does get out of hand from some aspects of fandom) but I don’t really agree with everything he says (I have no regrets on our coverage of Red Tails or Amanda Lucas) And course we’ve always had coverage of things outside the realm of Star Wars and the Expanded Universe. I’m not so fond of the ‘telling other people how to be a fan’ aspect, but it’s certainly an issue worth giving some thought.

Street date shuffle. In responses to a query about Paul S. Kemp’s duology, Frank Parisi says it’s “a very ambitious project” but the first book won’t be coming out this November as it was previously (tentatively) scheduled.

Excerpt. The latest mini-excerpt of Denning’s Apocalypse comes with bonus audio linkage.

Photoshoppery. What if Judy Blume wrote Star Wars books? (Bonus linkage.)

Review. James looks at Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness #4.