Today in The Clone Wars: Gear up for midnight!

On the official site: a new video, Villians; Weekend events; The Happy Meals should be available tomorrow.

The LAT’s Geoff Boucher interviews Dave Filoni; After Elton’s Lyle Masaki says Ziro the Hutt is a gay stereotype, while i09 says to leave him alone.

The average on Rotten Tomatoes has gone down to 29%… Here’s more reviews: io9, San Diego Union-Tribune, The Seattle Times, The Portland Mercury, The Sydney Morning News, The New York Daily News, E!, This is London, The Age.

Tonight is Games Night, the official beginning of JadeCon, and then several of us are going to the midnight showing…

Today in The Clone Wars: Six new commercials posted six TV spots this morning. They’re all kind of blurring together for me at this point so I’m not sure if these are new or the same ones that’ve been knocking around, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen Dark Day, above. The others: Around the Galaxy, New Apprentice, Never Before Seen, Legends, and Untold Story.

And here are a few more reviews for you: IESB, the AP, and Newsday’s Pet Rock blog. Meanwhile, The Guardian’s Ben Child looks into the ’embargo’ that killed Harry Knowles’ review.

Today in The Clone Wars

The video game clip that showed up in Entertainment Weekly yesterday is now up at, or watch it above. LucasArts has launched a new site for the games.