Most of this ‘news’ is old news (cancer in, cancer out, cancer in again) but there are a few new clips. (via)
Video: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Christopher Lee reads Tim Burton’s original poem. (via)
Video: An Artoo chorus line
Needs more high kicks, but what can you do? (via)
Video: Wolverine trailer
Well, it’s a nice trailer, I guess, but is it too little, too late for the X-Men franchise? Or I am just depressive today?
Video: Forty inspirational speeches in two minutes
I think… I think somewhere around 1:33 this became the greatest video ever. (via)
Hey gamers: See The Old Republic in action!
LucasArts and Bioware debuted the first video documentary on the upcoming Old Republic MMO today, including some brand-new play footage.
Video: Silent Star Wars and a couple of friends
Blogged this way back, but it’s been making the rounds again and we’ve picked up a few readers since then so this is bound to be new to some. Check under the cut for two more silent-movie takes: Droid Soup and Steamboat Jedi. Continue reading “Video: Silent Star Wars and a couple of friends”
Video: Welcome to trainwreck syndrome
This video (Chris Dane Owens, “Shine”) is completely awful, yet disturbingly mesmerizing. Watch it. Then, go to for a thrilling Choose-Your-Adventure guess at the plot!
The Clone Wars: Whose house? Greevy’s house!
In this Friday’s new episode, ‘Lair of Grievous,’ Kit Fisto comes over for tea! Well, maybe not tea.
Video: Five lame things in Star Wars canon
It’s funny because it’s true. Dear George, it’s all true, except I think that whole theory about Boba Fett improving anything got thrown out circa Attack of the Clones.