…With three of Santa Maul’s favorite things: Sarcasm, arson, and Christina Ricci, in the form of this clip. May your enemies be vanquished and your feasting sublime!
EUbits: Book of Sith trailer, Bohnhoff interview
Video. IGN has an exclusive reveal trailer showing Dan Wallace’s Book of the Sith in action.
Interview. Roqoo Depot talks to Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff about next week’s Shadow Games and the upcoming fourth Coruscant Nights novel.
Pictures. A few more looks at the Essential Guide to Warfare art… Mostly technical stuff this round.
Excerpts. The Darth Plagueis drum has started beating with mini and audio peeks.
Reviews. James checks out Invasion: Revelations #5 at Big Shiny Robot.
The catchup: Jedi and Sith in love, Vader in Ukraine
A very Star Wars engagement. This unnamed Bay Area Jedi/Sith couple put aside their differences for a Star Wars themed photo shoot by photographer Michael James. We have every faith those crazy kids will make it work, one way or another. (via)
Stunts. ‘Darth Vader’ submits a claim for 1,000 square meters of Ukraine. Good luck with that.
TV. Why is Chewbacca hanging out with the Glee folks? On second thought, having finally given up on the show this season, I don’t want to know.
People. James Earl Jones received an honorary Oscar.
Blast from the past. The internet has unearthed a 1978 interview with Mark Hamill.
Video: Star Trek: TNG crew watches Star Wars
Captain Picard and company tune into Star Wars: A New Hope. (via)
Video: Trailer for Pixar’s Brave
The full trailer for Brave – featuring Pixar’s first female protagonist, Merida, voiced by Kelly Macdonald – was released yesterday. It’s worth checking out the HD version as well.
Video: The Hunger Games trailer!
I watched Good Morning America to see this ASAP and it was awful. Luckily, the trailer was worth it.
Santa Maul has woken, and he has a ‘gift’ for you
‘Ah, Santa Maul, it is too early for you,’ perhaps you are saying. But you are wrong. Has retail taught you nothing? It is never too early for the trappings of Sithmas to intrude into everyday life. (Four days before Halloween! I am indeed mighty.) Santa Maul depends on your hatred and rage at the season’s shameless insidiousness, after all. It is what wakes him, long before his intended time. Well, that and the candy.
In any case, Santa Maul knows his lady readers, and the ladies (and many of the mens) love that silly twit Obi-Wan, even at his most mulleted. So he brings you this Sideshow production peek, to taunt you a product that will probably not be ready for Christmas! For such is his whim. Welcome to the Sithmas season, minions!
Video: The Phantom Menace 3-D trailer, officially
After 20th Century Fox went on tear copyrighting all the fan versions to death, the official Star Wars Youtube account has posted a copy of The Phantom Menace‘s 3-D trailer in 2-D. It’s plagued by (different, darker) color issues, but it’s up. The new version seems to be color corrected.
The Clone Wars: Night falls on the clones with ‘Darkness on Umbara’
Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns tonight with ‘Darkness on Umbara’, the first in a four-part story taking place on the dark world of Umbara. As the clones face deadly orders from Jedi General Pong Krell, tensions starts to mount. As I mentioned when season four started, I’m intrigued and really looking forward to this story arc, especially since Dee Bradley Baker was “bothered” by what his characters had to go through in the Umbara story.
Video: The Phantom Menace 3-D trailer
Curious about The Phantom Menace 3-D trailer, but not enough to pay to see The Three Musketeers or any of the weekend’s other 3-D offerings? TFN has a copy. TFN’s copy is kaput, but here’s a Youtube version. Found another. Cross your fingers.
Obviously it’s not in 3-D here, and the colors are a bit off – I’m told that’s a symptom of the re-conversion back into 2-D.