Trailer released for Rebels season two finale


Io9/Gizmodo has an exclusive trailer setting the stage for the hour-long season finale for Star Wars Rebels. Heralding a confrontation between Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano, this trailer reflects on their growth and relationship during the Clone Wars, and ends with a glimpse into their upcoming encounter, complete with a James Earl Jones voiceover. Lots of clips from The Clone Wars highlight their history together, as well as some the individual challenges they faced. Does this bode well for their meeting on Rebels?

Find out on March 30 with the hour-long season two finale of Star Wars Rebels on Disney XD, 9 pm ET/PT. When you think about it, neither Ahsoka nor Vader is a main character of the show, and yet the season finale focuses on these two re-uniting, and igniting their sabers against each other.

Video: Unboxing Star Wars: TFA Visual Dictionary, Rey’s Story & Rebels ‘Shroud of Darkness’

Unboxing Star Wars 3-13-16 title card

Time for another episode of Unboxing Star Wars with Baby Jawa, Yowie, and me! Yowie and I discuss the Star Wars Rebels episode ‘Shroud of Darkness’ and then review two recent books: The Force Awakens: Rey’s Story by Elizabeth Schaefer, from Disney-Lucasfilm Press, and Pablo Hidalgo’s The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, from DK Publishing. Meanwhile, Baby Jawa does baby things.

Quick reviews
The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary – An enjoyable must-have guide for all Star Wars fans!
The Force Awakens: Rey’s Story – A great retelling of TFA from Rey’s point of view. Intended for young readers, but can be enjoyed by any fan. Love that artwork by Brian Rood!
‘Shroud of Darkness’ – Thumbs-up! Force visions reveal some interesting secrets for our characters, and provide for some cool scenes and the return of several legendary SW voices.

Get more info on Wear Star Wars Every Day or make a donation at GoFundMe. Check out my article on the best quotes from Hondo Ohnaka on, and Hondo’s take on this year’s ‘This is Madness’ brackets.

Note: Disney-Lucasfilm Press provided a copy of The Force Awakens: Rey’s Story for review.

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Weeks Nine & Ten

We got a double dose of a recap for weeks nine and ten of #WearStarWarsEveryDay! More shirts and other apparel items from Tom, Ryan, and Beth, as well as a Day 66 – Order 66 costume. This recap covers February 26 to March 10 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Daisy Ridley: “Obviously I wasn’t” Han Solo’s daughter


My apologies to those still clinging to the Rey Solo theories: I think Daisy Ridley just scuttled you, telling Entertainment Tonight that the parentage issue – or rather, the lack thereof – was the hardest secret to keep for The Force Awakens. Of course, knowing this fandom, the theories are just going to get even more elaborate… Here’s the video:

She also talked about the difference between J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson when it comes to secrecy, and yes, there’s stuff in this you can use, theorists. Have at it.

Rey Skywalker theorists, please be gracious. Your case may be pretty good, but nothing is set is stone just yet.

Video: Unboxing Star Wars: TFA Incredible Cross-Sections, new OT Graphic Novel, & Rebels

Unboxing Star Wars 2-28-16 title card

This time on Unboxing Star Wars, Baby Jawa, Yowie, and I check out one recent book and one brand new book, and two recent episodes of Star Wars Rebels. First we review The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, illustrated by Kemp Remillard and written by Jason Fry from DK Publishing. Then we check out the new original trilogy comic adaptation for kids, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, scripted by Alessandro Ferrari, out today from Disney Lucasfilm Press. Finally we chat Rebels with a look at the past two episodes, Hera’s family reunion in ‘Homecoming’ and unlikely allies Zeb and Kallus in ‘The Honorable Ones.’ Plus we get a new Wookiee to play with!

Quick reviews
The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections – Thumbs-up! Great look at the vessels and vehicles of the new movie.
The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel – Okay for intended audience (ages 9-12), but cuts out a bit too much of the story for my tastes – keeps the plot, but loses flavor.
‘Homecoming’ – Thumbs-up! Great to return to Ryloth, connecting Hera to her father, a Clone Wars legend.
‘The Honorable Ones’ – Thumbs-up! Putting Zeb and Kallus into a survival situation shows them both off in new lights

Get more info on Wear Star Wars Every Day or make a donation at GoFundMe.

Note: Books provided for review by their respective publishers.

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week Eight

For the eighth week of #WearStarWarsEveryDay, I wear a full seven days of shirts lent by my friend Tom. Is he a fan of the Empire? Perhaps so! This recap covers February 19 – 25 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees. Sadly no donations this week, but if you want to make next week better, how about a Leap Day challenge: just chip in a dollar for each day in February, and you’ll be providing more than one month of food for one refugee!

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Disneyland 60 special gives us more concept art of upcoming Star Wars Lands


The preview of the so-called Star Wars Lands during ABC’s Disneyland 60 special last night was a tad underwhelming, but it did produce a few more pieces of concept art and some scattered details. (A cantina and an upscale dinner club!) There’s a pretty low-res video of the presentation(via) and a better look at some of the art thanks to The Hollywood Reporter.

UPDATE: A yet-better look at the official Disney Parks blog.

Still no timeframe, but most Disneyland/Disney World experts seem to expect the openings are at least 4 years away.