Sue Rostoni on Fate of the Jedi story conference

So I’ve pretty much given up any hope for a complete Fate of the Jedi panel report at this point (this is the last time I’ll bring it up) but Sue Rostoni did make a post on the forums about the Fate of the Jedi story conference that was held at SDCC. It’s not that long, all things considered, but here’s the bulk of it:

I feel honored to be able to contribute creatively and watch the really talented people take a small idea and come up with captivating situations. And the interaction among the authors works exceptionally. Christie would have a spark of an idea that Aaron would hit on and set up in his book; Troy would see something developing in Christie’s book that he’d want to finish off; some small throw-away line would become a set-up for something happening somewhere else…

Star Wars @ SDCC ’09: Fate of the Jedi and other EU

Okay, so I lied about updating that last post, as I forgot all about the Fate of the Jedi panel. First of all, a big thanks to EU Cantina for live-tweeting this so I could write up the post in real time (their roundup of today is here) and please don’t hate me for quoting you too much… Hopefully one day I can repay the debt.

We should be getting detailed panel reports later tonight.

New blurb for Fate of the Jedi: Abyss noticed a new, heftier blurb on the Random House listing for the third Fate of the Jedi book, Denning’s Abyss. This might be spoilery for book 2, Omen, so highlight to read:

Following a trail of clues across the galaxy, Luke Skywalker continues his quest to find the reasons behind Jacen Solo’s dark downfall and to win redemption for the Jedi Order. Sojourning among the mysterious Aing-Tii monks has left Luke and his son Ben with no real answers, only the suspicion that the revelations they seek lie in the forbidden reaches of the distant Maw Cluster. There, hidden from the galaxy in a labyrinth of black holes, dwell the Mind Walkers: those whose power to transcend their bodies and be one with the Force is as seductive and intoxicating as it is potentially fatal. But it may be Luke’s only path to the truth.

Meanwhile, on Coruscant, the war of wills between Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala and the Jedi Order is escalating. Outraged over the carbonite freezing of young Jedi Knights Valin and Jysella Horn after their inexplicable mental breakdowns, the Jedi are determined to defy Daala’s martial tactics, override Council Master Kenth Hamner’s wavering leadership, and deal on their own terms with the epidemic of madness preying on their ranks. As Han and Leia Solo, along with their daughter Jaina, join the fight to protect more stricken Knights from arrest, Jedi healers race to find a cure for the rapidly spreading affliction. But none of them realize the blaster barrel is already swinging in their direction–and Chief Daala is about to pull the trigger.

Nor do Luke and Ben, deep in the Maw Cluster and pushing their Force abilities beyond known limits, realize how close they are–to the Sith strike squad bent on exterminating the Skywalkers, to a nexus of dark-side energy unprecedented in its power and its hunger, and to an explosive confrontation between opposing wielders of the Force from which only one Master–good or evil–can emerge alive.

Abyss is due in August, while Omen comes out on the 23rd.

EUbits: Charity windfall, FOTJ, Bohnhoff, TOR

Good news, everyone! Several of the initial auctions in the Australian bushfire charity effort wrapped up this week, with the character name rights both netting impressive takes – $1,725 for Karen Miller and $1,028.75 for Sean Williams.

Fate of the Jedi: First Abyss blurb spotted

More new info spotted by Ewan of! Along with Deathtroopers, he spotted some brief Fate of the Jedi blurbs. The first, for Golden’s Omen, echos what we got in last week’s full copy from the official site. The other, for Denning’s Abyss (third book in the series) is all-new. Read it beneath the cut, but again, remember this isn’t confirmed information. Continue readingFate of the Jedi: First Abyss blurb spotted”

Poll results: Anticipating the new publishing contract

Behold, the next three years of Star Wars publishing, ranked by CJ readers. Most of you seem to be looking forward to Fate of the Jedi: This poll also got more votes than the second, 172 to 143. Of the second poll, which asked you to choose from among the rest of the new contract’s fiction (at least those that we have some detail on) the clear winners were those that have established fanbases: Cunningham’s Blood Oath, featuring charter member of the Jaina Solo harem, Zekk; Irvine’s Knights of the Old Republic novel, set just before the popular games; Traviss’ Imperial Commando; and Drew Karpyshyn’s third Darth Bane novel. The rest are certain to see their stock rise as we get more details.