Heir to the Empire annotation #2: Talon Karrde

In our second early peek at Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire annotations, he shares the origins of Karrde:

In some ways, Karrde is my vision of how Han might have ended up if he hadn’t dropped into the Mos Eisley cantina that afternoon for a quiet drink. Both men have a code of honor, especially toward their friends, and both are willing to be part of a larger group, though Han admittedly dragged …his feet a long time before getting to that place.

I’ve heard this one before, but honestly… I’m not sure I can see Han ever running – however reluctantly – something the size of Karrde’s operation. Thoughts?

Book news out of C2E2: Making of ROTJ, short stories coming from Zahn, Luceno and Golden

First of all, big thanks to the Star Wars Action News folks for live-tweeting the news out of yesterday’s Star Wars novel panel with Paul S. Kemp, John Jackson Miller, and Del Rey’s Erich Schoeneweiss.

It may not be a surprise, but The Making of Return of the Jedi was officially announced – as confirmed by J.W. Rinzler this morning on Twitter. Look for it in Fall 2013.

The ‘big’ news here seems to be all short-story related: The next two Insider stories will be ‘First Blood’ by Christie Golden (about Vestara Khai) and ‘Buyer’s Market’ by Tim Zahn, which features Lando. TFN reports that the Zahn will be an Original Trilogy era story to tie in with Choices of One, as well as comments from Schoeneweiss that at least three more Insider shorts are in the pipeline.

The shorts with the reissued Phantom Menace and Shadow Hunter paperbacks will both feature a new Darth Maul story by James Luceno. (Also noteworthy: Luceno has finished his Darth Plagueis novel.)

And here’s a tiny bit of hope for those yearning for more Tales of books: There’s nothing planned, but Del Rey would like to do one.

Here’s a puzzling one: “Big things” coming after Fate of the Jedi? “Conversations have been had” on linking the Legacy comics? Hmm… As long as it all happens in standalones and single trilogies.

Naturally, the events of ‘Citadel Rescue’ were discussed. The Clone Warsis making glitches in the canon.” But “nothing that can’t be fixed.” I remain shrugful at the whole issue.

Ad finally, if it’s comic news you want, Dark Horse has announced Knight Errant: Deluge. Newsarama has an interview with John Jackson Miller. Dark Horse’s Star Wars panel is tomorrow so we may hear more then.

First Heir to the Empire annotation: Star Destroyers

The Star Wars Books Facebook page posted their first excerpt from the annotations of the Heir to the Empire 20th anniversary edition.

“Each of the three classic Star Wars movies includes a Star Destroyer in its opening scene. All of my Rebellion-era books do the same.” — Timothy Zahn

Okay, so many of us have reread the Thrawn trilogy dozens/hundreds of times and are already pretty familiar with this. But Del Rey says in the comments: “They get longer…just wanted to get everyone’s feet wet.” One down, 13 to go!

The annotated edition will be released June 21.

EUbits: Del Rey to preview Zahn’s Heir to the Empire annotations

Whoohoo! Beginning next Thursday, the Star Wars Books Facebook page will be posting a Heir to the Empire annotation from Timothy Zahn each week until the book’s release in June. Suddenly, I hate Facebook just a tiny, tiny bit less.

In the meantime, Del Rey is asking what Thrawn scene you’d like to see illustrated in The Essential Guide to Warfare.

The blogside. Paul S. Kemp on readers who complain there’s too much focus on Jedi and Sith in the EU. I’m so with him on this. Sure, it’s nice to have novels about other folks in the galaxy sometimes, but Jedi and Sith are pretty much integral to the DNA of Star Wars.

Pop quiz. Head on over to EUC to find out if you are smarter than a Star Wars blogger. I can neither confirm nor deny that some of the snarky quotes are mine.

C2E2. Not surprisingly, there are several Star Wars events at the Chicago con later this month, including Del Rey and Dark Horse panels. And I’m changing my mind every other day about going…

Weird facts. Pete at Lightsaber Rattling follows up his author list with a look at who’s written the most young adult novels. The ultimate result this time around, though? Not a surprise. Think if we pester him enough he’ll do one by word count?

“We can dream, can’t we?” Imagining our fantasy Zahn novel on Twitter

There’s been a lot of discussion lately about what’s wrong with the EU. That’s nothing new, but there’s only so much one can really take before you start wondering about alternatives instead of just pointless ranting. Luckily, a few of us on Twitter tonight have had… Some ideas. Well, one idea.

Continue reading ““We can dream, can’t we?” Imagining our fantasy Zahn novel on Twitter”

“I love EU.” “I know.” Valentine’s Day in the Expanded Universe

It’s that time of the year when flower, candy, and jewelry stores make us think that romance better be in the kriffin’ air. But what’s a Star Wars fan to do to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a special someone? Well, it turns out Darth Cupid has been shooting some Valentine’s Day goodies for Star Wars Expanded Universe fans over the years. Short stories, comics, and more. Continue reading ““I love EU.” “I know.” Valentine’s Day in the Expanded Universe”

Heir to the Empire anniversary edition cover, details confirmed: Metallic cover, introduction from Zahn

The new information pretty much lines up with what Del Rey’s Erich Schoeneweiss told the EUCast earlier in the month, but we do get a title for the new Thrawn novella – and word of an introduction from Timohy Zahn:

Del Rey Books is publishing a commemorative edition hardcover of Heir to the Empire, with commentary-style annotations by Zahn and other behind-the-scenes people responsible for making the book a reality. Zahn will also pen an introduction to the book.

The book features a reflective jacket (fitting for the book’s platinum anniversary) and also has a specially printed version of the original cover underneath. It will include a new Zahn novella, Crisis of Faith, featuring Grand Admiral Thrawn. Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition is due out from Del Rey on June 21, 2011.

EUCast squeezes Heir to the Empire 20th details out of Del Rey’s Schoeneweiss

The EUCast had Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss on their latest podcast, and he revealed a few tidbits about upcoming projects. Most notably (at least to us,) is that we have some confirmation that Timothy Zahn is not the only one contributing annotations to the book; Editor Betsy Mitchell and a few folks at Lucasfilm (Leland? Pablo?) will be as well.

He also said that the cover art we’ve seen for the Heir to the Empire 20th Anniversary Edition is likely to be close to the final, but:

To my knowledge it hasn’t been completely approved yet, but that’s definitely the direction that we want to go. I believe the plan is that that will be the jacket, and it will have sort of treatment, some sort of silver foil treatment on it. But then when you take the jacket off of it, underneath, (kind of similar to what we did with the Death Troopers hardcover) it will have the original book cover as the paper-over-board cover.

Does this make me a prophet? Well, except for the part about it being the original (ugh) art.

In other news, Schoeneweiss said that Jason Fry’s The Essential Guide to Warfare is being pushed back to 2012 and an Essential Guide to the Underworld is in the planning stages. Updated versions of the character and ship guides are also likely in the next few years.

They also got in touch with Shelly Shapiro, who said that while they’re still discussing Paul S. Kemp’s duology, “There’s a good chance” it will be in the Old Republic era.

Random House catalog offers preliminary cover for Heir to the Empire anniversary reissue

NJOE (via) was first to spot that Random House’s summer catalog has gone up for public consumption – and in it is an early cover for the Heir to the Empire 20th Anniversary Edition on page 75.

Cover art that appears in the catalogs tends be very preliminary, so it’s hard to say if the final will look anything like this. But you know what? I don’t mind it. And if they do it in foil, it’ll stand out nicely from the crowd. Granted, I loath the original, so your mileage may vary.

The catalog also contains a listing for Choices of One (page 79,) but I’m not seeing anything new there. But also appearing with a preliminary cover is Jason Fry’s The Essential Guide to Warfare (page 89.)