Rumor: Episode VII to feature the ‘return’ of Darth Vader?

Revenge of the Sith (Vader)

We’ve heard this one before, but from the friend-of-a-Redditor-who-talked-to-a-guy hotline, here’s a report that Darth Vader – or at least his suit – will be back for Episode VII. And that there will be children of Han and Leia involved. Alrighty then.

It’s not an entirely awful idea, and would open up some interesting possibilities. (Like the whole issue of Luke, Leia, their parentage and the public knowledge/perception of it, which the EU left almost completely unexplored.) I can certainly see ‘who’s in the suit’ as J.J.’s Star Wars answer to Star Trek Into Darkness’ ‘who is Benedict Cumberbatch playing.’ I’m sure it would sell a hell of a lot of toys, too. But possibilities aside, I’m not going to stop being cynical now.

It’s official: Episode VII casting has begun

Star Wars logoLucasfilm representatives have confirmed to to Big Shiny Robot and TheForce.Net that this morning’s casting breakdown posted by Bleeding Cool is for real, and that casting for Episode VII has indeed begun.

Here are the listings, and no, I’m not going to guess at who these characters may be, as I deeply doubt they’ll end up being anyone we recognize, from the EU or otherwise:

Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.

Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.

A late twentysomething male, fit, handsome and confident.

Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’t need to be particularly fit.

A second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit.

Forty something male, fit, military type.

Thirtysomething male, intellectual. Apparently doesn’t need to be fit.

I’m not going to apologize for doubting this one earlier: With all the crud we’ve been getting – and much more yet to come – someone has to!

George Lucas has yet to speak to J.J. Abrams about Episode VII

At the Daytime Emmys the other day, George Lucas told Access Hollywood that he hasn’t spoken to J.J. Abrams about Episode VII yet.

I have not spoken to J.J. He’s been busy with Star Trek, and I’m sure that he’ll let me know when he’s got some questions. So, you know, that’s all going well. Kathy tells me it’s working out great.

He does seem mostly relieved about it, but I’m sure there will be some sort of discussion as production ramps up. (via)

Roundup: Abrams says Episode VII features a central love story? Not so fast.

abrams-junketEpisode VII. There have been a few reports that J.J. Abrams told a French newspaper that Episode VII would feature a central love story, mostly based on a write-up from Contact Music. But I’ve found what I believe to be the original article from Metro News and – per the translated version – there’s nothing above there being a love story in the film, though he does indeed speak highly of Michael Arndt. While it’s certainly not out of the question that there’ll be a major love story in the new trilogy, I don’t think that’s something you can safely quote Abrams on yet – unless there’s a longer version of this interview out there somewhere.

Podcasts. Composer Kevin Kiner talked to the folks at Full of Sith last week, and he told them that they’re working on about ten episodes of The Clone Wars for the bonus material. Meanwhile, this week Mike and Bryan chat with Corey Dee Williams (yes, Billy’s son) about working on Return of the Jedi.

Also… Heartwarming story of how a Jedi Master saved the day for an autistic boy at Disney World | Pixar vet Gary Rydstrom is directing an animated features at Lucasfilm | George Lucas plays Cassandra for the current entertainment landscape

George Lucas: Abrams gets Star Wars

At a recent event, George Lucas told Access Hollywood that J.J. Abrams “understands” Star Wars and “how it works.” And if not… Kathleen Kennedy will “keep it straight.” He also addressed his own role in this as being more or less on call, and the inevitable critics:

“No matter how you do it, it’s a complicated cultural icon. Therefore you’re always going to be in trouble no matter what you do,” he said. “So, the best thing you can do is just plow forward and try to do the best story you can.”

Concept artists Doug Chiang and Iain McCaig returning for ‘future of Star Wars’

Doug Chiang - Episode I concept

Prequel concept artists Doug Chiang and Iain McCaig are working on the ‘exciting new future for Star Wars,’ announced earlier this week. It’s not clear if they’ll be working on Episode VII, standalone films, neither or both.

McCraig's PadmeThey’ll be attending Celebration Europe next month.

Chiang was design director for The Phantom Menace and concept design supervisor for Attack of the Clones. McCaig, who designed Darth Maul, was one of the principal designers throughout the prequels.

Chiang and McCaig are the first major behind-the-scenes Star Wars veterans to be announced as returning for future films, aside from screenwriter Laurence Kasdan (doing a spinoff) and George Lucas as creative consultant on Episode VII.

Rumor: Episode VII to feature Jaina, Jacen Solo?

FRYSQUINT: SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.Schmoes Know claims to have a source who’s seen the casting breakdown from J.J. Abrams. They claim the storyline involves the training of Jaina and Jacen Solo by Luke Skywalker – and that the below is directly cut and pasted from the casting breakdown:

Storyline: Two 17 year old twins, a girl and a boy, are trained by their uncle Luke to be the greatest Jedi’s in the galaxy. Problems arise when the male twin turns to the dark side.

Jaina Solo – Female, 17 years old, lead. – Jacen’s twin sister, one of the greatest Jedi’s in the galaxy, trained by her uncle Luke Skywalker

Jacen Solo – Male, 17 years old, lead – Jaina’s twin brother, one of the greatest Jedi’s in the world. A loner who is constantly struggling with the idea of what’s right and what’s wrong. Starts to turn to the dark side. Full of conviction that what he is doing is the “right thing”. Will eventually become Darth Caedus.

Of course, I’m deeply skeptical, and not just because this supposed ‘breakdown’ uses the term ‘Jedi’s.’ (Though that helps, it’s not out of the question – I doubt Pablo and co are personally copy-editing every production document, and we’ve seen Lucas do as he wills with in-universe grammar and pronunciation for years.)

But this is pretty straight from the novels, right down to Caedus, and that gives me pause. It’s far too easy to believe that someone who spent an hour or two at Wookieepedia threw this together. It could be their source messing around, it could be the Bad Robot folks testing for leaks – and, yeah, it could be true. But I wouldn’t start betting just yetJaina, Jacen, and Luke

UPDATE #1: Bryan over at Big Shiny Robot has more reasons why this is probably false.

UPDATE #2: Collider has heard, independently of the first report, that Episode VII is looking to cast a son of Han Solo, though they’re also doubtful of the full Schmoes Know ‘scoop.’

UPDATE #3: HitFix’s Drew McWeeny is pretty adamant that this is fabricated as well, and that the chances of any EU making it to the screen are extremely slim. He does say that ILM has already begun work on what may be “the most elaborate physical build they’ve done for the effects team since Return Of The Jedi.”

Abrams: Episode VII to start production next year, past Star Wars should be ‘honored’ but not ‘revered’

AbramsAt a Producer’s Guild event Saturday, J.J. Abrams said that things will start moving on the Episode VII production “at the end of the year,” Variety reports. Producer Bryan Burke said much the same – though a little more tentatively – in May.

Overall Star Wars talk continues to be vague, but Abrams said:

“It is so massive and so important to people,” he said. “I think the key to moving forward on something like this is honoring but not revering what came before.”

Variety said that quote was related to the novels; The Hollywood Reporter says it was about the existing movies. Unless video comes out from this, I give up guessing if it refers to any specifics.

He also said he’s not a fan of going overseas to shoot, but apparently the U.K. thing was in the works before he was on board.

Abrams also talked about his affection for the medium of film – covered in more detail by The Hollywood Reporter – which opens up some questions. Did committing to Episode VII mean committing to shooting digitally?

Singer Florence Welch for Episode VII? Dream on.

Florence WelchYeah, let’s call poodoo on this one right now. British tabloid The Sun is claiming that singer Florence Welch – of Florence and the Machine – is “being lined up for a leading role in the new Star Wars movie trilogy.” Riiiight.

They’re also claiming that Michael Jackson’s kids are “pushing for auditions,” because of course.

That said, if there’s a Mos Eisley bar-like scene featuring musicians planned in the new film, they could certainly do worse than a cameo from Welch. But for a lead role? I am beyond skeptical.

Oh, and she was born in 1986, which her makes her way too young to play Mara, so don’t even start. (via)

Episode VII bits: Fisher, Ford still not signed either; Irish locale rumors get specific

In a recent interview with Extra’s Mario Lopez, Carrie Fisher talks about bipolar disorder and, when asked about Episode VII, says: “We could get back together at Comic Con or one of those things, you never know.” But she also says she ran into Harrison Ford recently and he “doesn’t know,” so everything remains up in the air. (And it was only last week that Mark Hamill said he hasn’t signed a deal.) San Diego Comic Con is a major venue for giant announcements – it’s not so far-fetched that we might see an Episode VII panel and a major announcement of some sort there. But July 18 isn’t so far away, so don’t get your hopes up too high that anyone will be signed by then.

Location. Another report of Ireland being a contender for Episode VII filming from Clare People, this time a bit more specific: The Burren, which does look appropriately alien.

Who else wants in? The recent lineup of folks who wouldn’t say no to Lucasfilm: Daniel Radcliffe, the rumor-mongered John Noble, Josh Holloway and, of course, Joss Whedon bemoans that he’s too tied up for it.

Of course. William Shatner jokes that he’ll be “playing the bastard son of Leia and Jabba.”