Abrams takes note of Star Wars fan video, other reactions

J.J. Abrams

In an interview with The Times (being subscription-only, it’s summarized by The Telegraph and THR,) J.J. Abrams says he understands the feelings set out in the ‘rules‘ video,

“I would say that (the website conveys) a feeling that we share very much… I loved how Star Wars had that sense of a world far beyond the borders of what you can see and have been told – it’s one of the things it did so brilliantly.

If you watch the first movie, you don’t actually know exactly what the Empire is trying to do. They’re going to rule by fear – but you don’t know what their end game is.

The beauty of that movie was that it was an unfamiliar world, and yet you wanted to see it expand and to see where it went.”

The video was controversial, but let’s not make the mistake of thinking it’s the only fan reaction they’ve taken note of. He also recognizes that “a lot of kids who saw all the prequels when they were young really do identify with those movies as much as my generation identified with the originals.”

The original article also apparently suggests Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave, Serenity) might be involved in Episode VII – but mainly because he was seen in the Bad Robot offices. (Jedi News thinks The Times is on to something with that; We’ll see.)

Meanwhile, Variety columnist Brian Lowry strikes back at Mike Ryan’s piece from the other day on how fans need to calm down. Hey, aren’t we the ones who’re supposed to be sniping at each other? (But seriously, don’t.)

Roundup: All this has happened before…

Han Solo is sick of your shit.Rumor roundup. In light of today’s THR report, HuffPo’s Mike Ryan points out that quick turnaround and behind-the-scenes turmoil are nothing new for Star Wars. Meanwhile, Gregory Ellwood and Drew McWeeny at HitFix discuss it, and McWeeny has some wise words for fandom as well. I’m getting pretty sick of all the panic and hand-wringing myself.

Merchandise. I’m a little horrified by this, but at least one Jader was happy to hear that Star Wars Crocs are coming. May the fug be with you?

Audio. James Burns and Mark Newbold of Jedi News are the latest to launch a podcast, RADIO 1138, with the help of the vets at Rebelforce Radio.

Your moment of zen. Or not. A supercut of Harrison Ford being angry at people. Meanwhile, at The Onion

Report: Lucasfilm wants 2016 release for Episode VII, but Disney holds firm to 2015

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.The Hollywood Reporter goes digging behind the scenes to report that Disney CEO Bob Iger still wants the film out in summer 2015, even though Lucasfilm (if maybe not director J.J. Abrams) would prefer to push it back to 2016. If true, this puts a bit of a snarky spin on that “expected 2015” from Lucasfilm last week.

They also have conflicting sources on a struggle over casting between Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy, and, of course, the assurance that this sort of thing is nothing out of the usual.

In any case, I wouldn’t go expecting a solid release date announcement any time soon.

Discussion: One year of Disney, Lucasfilm, and Episode VII

Bob Iger and George LucasIn a matter of hours, it’ll be a full year since the Lucasfilm sale to Disney was announced. We still don’t know that much about Episode VII – most of the confirmed information still fits on one page at StarWars.com – but we can be confident that they’re working on it, at least.

Will we get any news today? The rumor mill was pretty convinced at one point, but after last week’s announcement, who can say? We’ll keep an eye out.

In the meantime… With a year to digest, what are your thoughts? Are you (still?) excited for the future of Lucasfilm and Star Wars?

Pilgrims in an unholy land: Best #StarWars, #EpisodeVII and #SWEU tweets for Oct. 21-27

In addition to the big dude himself weighing in, last week brought us Glee’s Chris Colfer with a new sexy spin on a key character, important questions about C-3PO, the internet’s thoughts on Lawrence Kasdan, conspiracy theories and crazy rumors for The Empire Strikes Back. No, reallytweet102313

Also, ditched Storify in light of what a pain-in-the-butt it’s been lately. Not saying we’ll never use it again, but maybe only for breaking news. As usual, the remaining tweets are under the cut. (Let’s just hope that Twitter doesn’t start pooping out next…)

Continue reading “Pilgrims in an unholy land: Best #StarWars, #EpisodeVII and #SWEU tweets for Oct. 21-27”

Roundup: Speaking sense on the Episode VII rumors

Rumors. Bryan Young and Bobby Roberts discuss last week’s big scriptwriting development on the latest Full of Sith. Seems like Bobby’s being hearing the same things as McWeeny and Faraci. They speak sense, so listen and calm yourselves.

Meanwhile, on the weekend Harrison Ford scoop, Blue Sky Disney revives the “Han Solo gonna die” thing from early on.

Flashback. In the midst of all this, HuffPo’s Mike Ryan looks back at Leigh Brackett and her Empire Strikes Back draft. All this has happened before… And Tor digs up some of Carrie Fisher’s thoughts on Leia from the infamous beach blanket bingo issue of Rolling Stone.

Ugh. The Sarlacc got a mention on last week’s Once Upon A Time in Wonderland.

Rumor: Harrison Ford has deal for Episode VII as moves made towards fifth Indiana Jones film

Ford in Ender's Game

This morning, Jedi News‘ Jedi Master SQL reports on Lucasfilm’s negotiations with Harrison Ford. A verbal agreement has been in place for him to reprise Han Solo since before the Disney deal, and the financial matters were hammered out over the summer. The sticking points were apparently Ford wanting to see Solo’s development over the full arc of the films – not just Episode VII – and a commitment for another Indiana Jones film. A multi-film deal has now been agreed on.

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.Ford didn’t get a guarantee for Indy 5, but there will be an outline for the film by the end of 2014, with it going forward for a 2016 release if all parties agree. (Lingering question: Besides Ford himself, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas, as in the past? Or will Lucas – and possibly Spielberg – pass the franchise on to other filmmakers, as has been done with Star Wars?) There are so many questions (Shia LaBouf and his burned bridges?) that if this is anywhere near true, I don’t expect anything Indy to be announced when Ford’s involvement in Episode VII is confirmed. Ford has been very open recently about wanting to play Indiana Jones again, but remember, all this is just rumor at this point.

And yesterday, SQL pointed out that Lucasfilm named two production designers (officially) on Episode VII, a highly unusual move, and maintains that the November 11th, 2015 release date he reported earlier is still the target.

Roundup: Rumor mill takes on Episode VII script shake-up

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.Fallout rumors. In the wake of the announcement that Abrams and Kasdan are scripting, perhaps the most measured response – and the one I recommend you take to heart – comes from HitFix’s Drew McWeeny. Taking a more shit-stirring tone is Devin Faraci of Badass Digest, but I’d take him with a big grain of salt. That said, I’m sick of all the posturing we’re getting about possible release dates – May, December, whatever: Everyone is being insufferable. Calm yourselves, nerds.

UPDATE: This morning, Jedi News has some analysis. They believe the signs say that Kasdan and Abrams will be polishing the script, and that “Ardnt’s story remains intact.”

October 30! Before the big news broke, we got yet more denials that the trailer reveals are ‘counting down’ to something. Matt’s just very pattern-oriented. But wait, there’s another new conspiracy date to hitch the bandwagon to: November 7, which brings Disney’s next earnings call.

Rebels. Don’t get your hopes up too much for those “Darth Vader Themed TV Specials” we heard about last week. Furious Fanboy’s Jeremy Conrad points out that an older Rebels marketing plan promised “Four short-form interstitials will release in Summer 2014, introducing viewers to the characters of Star Wars Rebels.” Might those be the “specials?”

‘Lost’ footage found. And speaking of unearthing old stuff, this Facebook page has been sharing Return of the Jedi from from some sort of EditDroid demo.

Episode VII: Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams now taking on script duties, key crew members confirmed

Star Wars logoWell, this isn’t the news we’ve been expecting… It looks like Episode VII has said goodbye to screenwriter Micheal Arndt. StarWars.com has announced that J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan are now penning the script for Episode VII.

“I am very excited about the story we have in place and thrilled to have Larry and J.J. working on the script,” Kathleen Kennedy said in a statement. “There are very few people who fundamentally understand the way a Star Wars story works like Larry, and it is nothing short of incredible to have him even more deeply involved in its return to the big screen. J.J. of course is an incredible storyteller in his own right. Michael Arndt has done a terrific job bringing us to this point and we have an amazing filmmaking and design team in place already prepping for production.”

It’s unclear if any of Arndt’s script will be used, but I don’t think it looks likely… Whatever the case, I’m sure the rumors will be coming momentarily.

The announcement confirms a number of other production roles, including sound designer Ben Burtt and many others. (/Film has a nice rundown.) It also says “location scouting, production design, casting, and costume design are already underway” and states that “shooting is scheduled to begin Spring 2014” for “an expected 2015 release.”

Roundup: Revenge of the Holiday Special and more fun with random selection

Star Wars Episode VII Title GeneratorFun stuff. Start your own silly title rumor with Empire’s Episode VII title generator, even if it does seem heavily weighed towards Gundarks and the Holiday Special.

People. Billy Dee Williams defends Harrison Ford, while it seems that Ender’s Game star Asa Butterfield wouldn’t mind working with Ford again.

Travel plans. Want to visit Mos Espa? Better hurry – a large sand dune is covering the set, reports CNN.

History. A financial memo unearthed by The Hollywood Reporter details George Lucas’ payday for THX 1138: $2,500. In installments. Proof that everyone starts somewhere!