Some of the first Episode VII open calls happened this weekend – one set in in Bristol and another in St. Louis. The U.K. media is all over the two-day Bristol call – there are reports from The Telegraph, the BBC, The Guardian (plus another video,) The Independent, Metro and The Bristol Post (twice.) A spokesperson told Sky News on Saturday that they saw a thousand people and had 75 callbacks.
It’s a bit early to say how the U.S. is doing so far, but there is at least one report (KMOX) out of St. Louis so far. (And nothing at all for the Bloomington call, which happened on the 7th – just before the news went big on this side of the pond.)
The next U.S. open calls are in Chicago on 14th and Troy, Michigan on the 17th. In the U.K., Manchester will have two-day calls on the 16th and 17th. (UPDATE: Glasgow has been rescheduled.)