Rumors: Fassbender, Weaving eyed for Episode VII roles; Why Arndt and Abrams split on script

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.What has the Jesse Plemons rumor wrought? The Hollywood Reporter is weighing in today with a triptych of new (or, well, ‘new’) names: Michael Fassbender, Hugo Weaving and Adam Driver. I’m sure you’re already familiar with Fassbender and Weaving; Driver is the dude from HBO’s Girls who can’t keep his shirt on.

But wait: That’s not the real meat of the article. THR also claims to know why Micheal Arndt split:

According to multiple insiders, the reason for the parting of ways was not due to a timeframe issue, as has been reported, but rather due to a difference in opinion of which characters to emphasize.

Arndt is said to have focused on the offspring of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), with the original trilogy heroes taking on supporting roles. Abrams, however, wanted Episode VII to focus on the classic trio of characters, so audiences could have one more chance to enjoy them before a fitting send-off. The new characters, the offspring, will now be in supporting roles, according to these sources, and take center stage in Episode VIII and IX. Some characters have disappeared from the Arndt script and new ones are being drafted.

George Lucas was involved in the debate, but “acquiesced to Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy.” Several parts have been rewritten; one 20-year old character is now 40, and Weaving is supposedly being eyed to play a “an Imperial commander.” (Of course.)

And finally:

The latest bit to surface this week is that Abrams and Lucasfilm are now searching for a 20-something female actress who is either of mixed race or black. The rumor is that Obi-Wan Kenobi had a daughter or granddaughter.

I’m not going to knock a POC casting choice, but the idea of there being Kenobi spawn at all strikes me as disingenuous.

But remember: There’s a lot going on here, and who knows what’s going to end up as truth…

Roundup: Fisher and Shatner rumble, Episode VII to begin filming April 22?

Star Feud!Star feud. Carrie Fisher and William Shatner are at it again: He gets choked, literally, but all’s well that ends well.

Rumors. Ali Arikan says that there are rumblings that Episode VII will begin filming on April 22.

Original original trilogy. Jeremy Conrad at Furious Fanboys has four reasons we won’t be seeing the original trilogy theatrical cuts released anytime soon. Long story short: A complete restoration would be super expensive and the rights issues with 20th Century Fox.

We’ve hit the two year mark for Episode VII

Star Wars logoIt’s December 18th, and you know what that means… Two years from now, Episode VII should be in theaters.

Here’s a helpful reminder of what we actually know so far: J.J. Abrams is directing, the script will be by him and Lawrence Kasdan, and we know several key crew members. (Including composer John Williams.) However, Artoo is the only confirmed cast member, and the only confirmed shooting location is Pinewood Studios in the U.K.

There have been no other casting announcements or posters released, no matter what you see around the internet – at least as of the time of this post! (If it’s not on, it’s a rumor or fan-made.) We probably can’t expect a title for at least a year – I guessed at a mid-2014 title announcement back when we assumed the film was coming out in May 2015, but at this point they could conceivably not tell us until the next Celebration in April 2015.

Alan Horn: Episode VII script expected in January

At a Variety event this morning, Disney’s Alan Horn said that they expect to get the Episode VII script in January and that the film will likely cost $200M. (Revenge of the Sith‘s production budget was $113M, per Box Office Mojo, but that was almost a decade ago.)

He also reiterated that we’ll be seeing Star Wars movies yearly, which has been the plan for a while now, but has been rumored to be in doubt.

As for Indy:

Graser is a reporter at Variety.

Roundup: Lucasfilm will follow Marvel’s blueprint; Was Star Wars just a cover for Cumberbatch?

Merchandising! Disney CFO Jay Rasulo spoke at an investor conference today and spoke of Lucasfilm following in Marvel’s footprints for distribution across different platforms – though he did say that they’re willing to look outside their own networks for distribution. Nothing earth shattering here – he also said that there’ll be more Star Wars rides coming to the parks over time – but it confirms that there’s plenty more in the pipeline than just new films. And, yes, expect the full merchandising blitz for Episode VII. Whatever could the sequel trilogy equivalent of a Jar Jar lollipop be, I wonder?

Rumors. Were the rumors of Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Wars just a smokescreen? The Daily Superhero has a source that claims that the rumors were manufactured by Disney as a cover… Because they actually want him for a Marvel role, perhaps Doctor Strange. Sounds pretty plausible to me – and what’s easier to play on than the internet’s unending ability for uninspired fancastings?

Rumor: Jack O’Connell up for Episode VII role

Jack O’Connell in Private Peaceful

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.Bleeding Cool reports today that Jack O’Connell is a “real contender” for a role in Episode VII – close enough that he’s met with J.J. Abrams and the “meeting went very well.” They’re not sure which role he’s up for, though.

O’Connell is new to me, but he’ll be in next year’s 300: Rise of an Empire and has built up quite a resume over in the U.K., including a stint on Skins.

Episode VII: Random actor updates regarding Carrie Fisher, Michael B. Jordan and Katee Sackoff

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.It’s been a slow couple days on the rumor mill. Will it remain so through the holiday season, or will we psych ourselves up for something at the two-year mark on December 18th? In the meantime, here are a few inconclusive dribbles…

James Blunt is apparently going around saying that Carrie Fisher is returning for Episode VII, because duh.

“It’s good to be in the mix for those conversations,” Michael B. Jordan said when asked about the various franchises he’s been rumored to be a part of (Star Wars, Fantastic Four, etc.) but he’s not confirming anything because he’s not stupid.

And Katee Sackoff, who everyone wants for Captain Marvel anyway, is not even playing.

Roundup: Star Wars joins Instagram

vader-selfieSocial. Star Wars has officially joined Instagram. Will they drop something fresh soon? What social network will be next?

Mystery box. J.J. Abrams has admitted that keeping Khan ‘secret’ for Star Trek Into Darkness maybe wasn’t the best idea. Hopefully no outright lying for Episode VII? (Yeah, right.)

Derumored. Actress Emmanuelle Chriqui, who was named as an Episode VII contender by Jedi Master SQL last week, said on Twitter that she hasn’t auditioned (the convo started here.)

Rumors: More on Disneyland’s Star Wars hold, The Clone Wars, and spinoffs

vader-kingarthurDisney Parks. has a source that disagrees with the earlier MiceChat report that Disneyland’s Star Wars plans were put on hold due to budget concerns. While there is a hold, they say that it’s due to Episode VII. “They didn’t want to build attractions/a land without including the new movies,” the source says. “So since the teams don’t have a final script they can’t add anything from the new movies.”

Rumors. In their latest Q&A, Jedi News and Jedi Master SQL discusses The Clone Wars and spin-off films. For Clone Wars he echos the earlier reports out of Poland, but adds that they will be “non-sequential episodes.” The iOS app may no longer be in the picture, but there will be an “online digital distribution model” that will include far more than just TV episodes (“films, books, comics, and online web content.”) As for the first standalone, he doesn’t see how they can get it out for 2016, but we may hear about the director and producer as early as next week. He’s also still stuck on Benedict Cumberbatch.

No. This doesn’t seem to have much traction yet aside from some random folks on Twitter and Tumblr, but beware folks using Cédric Delsaux’s ‘The Falcon’s Hiding Place’ as being the Episode VII Falcon. The original image (third from the right on the second to last row of Delsaux’s official gallery) was taken in Dubai in 2009.