J.J. Abrams: Simon Pegg “was an honest, critical friend” on The Force Awakens


Entertainment Weekly dropped their last 3 Fall Movie Preview stories today. First up, the reveal of Simon Pegg’s role… Sort of. It’s not so much who he’s playing (“he won’t be recognizable,” J.J. Abrams says) but what he was doing behind the scenes.

“He was a sounding board,” Abrams says. “He would drop by the set because he wanted to, and when he could, he would help… We could talk about things, and he was a perfect combination of incredibly smart screenwriter, fan of the series, critical fan of the series, and friend of mine – but not just blindly supportive. He was an honest, critical friend. And he wasn’t so close to it that he became immune to things. He would come in with fresh eyes and very smart ideas. He’s one of a handful of people along the way that has been really priceless.”

→ EW asks who the film’s “Ralph McQuarrie” is. Abrams points not only to the actual Ralph McQuarrie and his work for the original trilogy, but production designer Rick Carter.

Abrams adresses the fandom, keeping secrets, Ben Burtt, Andy Serkis and fear. He confirms that some of the things they’ve already put out are red herrings.

Hey kid, you wanna see a picture of Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens?

TFA @ SDCC: Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford

A picture of Mark Hamill in costume as Luke Skywalker for The Force Awakens has been C&Ded all over the place – including the source – so it’s likely legit, but I’m not going to post it myself. The internet being the internet, chances are you’ll have no trouble finding it, even if you don’t want to find it.

If you can’t resist, sites still running it (as of post time) include Indie Revolver and Heroic Hollywood. And it’s been posted multiple times in the Luke Skywalker tag on Tumblr, a trend which will no doubt continue. Catch them while you can!

The Force Awakens: EW on the return of Han Solo


Today’s first The Force Awakens story from Entertainment Weekly’s Fall Preview is all about Han Solo. Err, Harrison Ford’s return to the role. It’s a nice piece – the bit about Ford’s reunion with Peter Mayhew is very sweet – and there’s at least one laugh-out-loud transition, but the news here is slim. (At least, if you watched the SDCC panel.)

But later, we’re getting something on the Han Anthology film… Though Lawrence Kasdan does talk about the script like it’s already done!

The Force Awakens promotional partners announced; CoverGirl line revealed

Lucasfilm and Disney will have some big names to help them market The Force Awakens: Subway, General Mills, Verizon, FCA, CoverGirl and Max Factor among them.

CoverGirl we’ve known about since some product packaging was leaked a few months ago; Max Factor is a surprise, though. The two brands are working together, with Max Factor selling the products internationally. Allure has our first official look at the collection, which will be on the shelves in mid-September.


My foray into nail polish aside, I’ve never been much for makeup, but I do have to say I’m rather disappointed in the products on offer. The nail polishes are bland – even for a mainstream collection – and it seems odd that there’s more variety in the lipstick. Not that the lipstick colors would be revolutionary polishes, but no one expects ‘revolutionary’ from a brand like CoverGirl. Still, that’s it? No eyeshadows? Eye liners? Will there be a second wave?

Still, the campaign looks – droid and stormtrooper – are certainly striking, and I can’t hate on something that gets Star Wars makeup in stores across the country.

As for the other licensees – Subway we’ve been expecting, and HP is already in the mix. But I’m most intrigued by FCA’s involvement. (Don’t follow auto news? That’s Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.) Will we be seeing Star Wars-themed car commercials? Special edition cars? But this is Woodward Dream Cruise weekend here in the D, so I’m not shocked that FCA themselves are mum.

What we’ve learned about The Force Awakens from Entertainment Weekly (so far)

tfa-ewThis morning we learned that not only is Kylo Ren the cover boy for Entertainment Weekly’s Fall Movie Preview, but a couple of things about the character himself. And, amazingly? That’s not all. We’ll get to Kylo in a few, but first, the generalities…

→ How did Kathleen Kennedy get Abrams on the hook to direct Episode VII? She asked him, “Who is Luke Skywalker?’” And for a movie that’s shied away from talking about Luke much at all, his presence is certainly felt in EW’s cover story. How have things changed for the classic trio, and how haven’t they? We don’t get many details, but you can certainly read a lot into Lawrence Kasdan’s comments:

“I thought, ‘Wow, okay, these people have lived — they’re in a different place in their lives, Han and Leia and so on. They’ve lived the same 30 years I have. What would that be like? How would you see things differently?’” Kasdan says. “And I was trying to figure out how I saw things differently, and one of the surprises is that you don’t learn all that much. You haven’t become much wiser than you were, and things are not clearer to you, and the world is just as confusing as it always was — and that’s a kind of lovely thing to get to write about again. Age does not necessarily bring wisdom; it just brings experience.”


→ As widely assumed, the lightsaber we see in the second trailer is indeed the one Luke had and lost at Cloud City.

→ There have been rumors that Abrams might return to close out the trilogy, but he shoots those down pretty conclusively: “No, I’m not going to direct Episode IX, as much as I am deeply envious of anyone who gets to work with this group of people on the future movies.”

→ We get a look at several new pictures – some that we’ve seen fuzzy from the conventions (General Hux!) but a couple that are brand new.

→ There’s also a story on the origins of some of the character names – fitting, since Entertainment Weekly was the first to reveal many of them back in December. We get nothing for Finn and Rey – of course their lack of last names are “completely intentional” – though we do get a name for the new alien (played by Kiran Shah) and his ride: Teedo and his luggabeast. Fear not: Poe Dameron, BB-8, General Hux, and Captain Phasma get more details.

Kylo Ren on Jakku

→ Now, finally, let’s unpack a few details about our villain. He may or may not be the Darth Vader fanboy we’ve been speculating about, but he is “well aware of what’s come before, and that’s very much a part of the story of the film,” J.J. Abrams told EW. The helmet’s origins will be explained in the film, but it’s left unclear if the nod to Vader is intentional on the part of the character or just the design team. Abrams also confirmed something that’s been long-suspected: The broadsaber was his own creation. It’s “something that he built himself, and is as dangerous and as fierce and as ragged as the character,” Abrams said.

→ Here’s another key quote from Abrams: “As you see in the best of storytelling, and no doubt the best of Star Wars, these are tales in which an everyperson has to step up. And I think that what makes Ren so unique is that he isn’t as fully formed as when we meet a character such as Darth Vader,” Abrams says. “And I think that there are two sides to the Force. Both sides, arguably, would see themselves as the hero of their story, and I think that applies here.”

→ A few more hints, this time from Lawrence Kasdan: “I’ve written four Star Wars movies now, and there’s never been a character quite like the one that Adam plays. I think you’re going to see something that’s brand new to the saga.” How so?

He’s full of emotion. No matter how we express ourselves in the world, whether we hide it and act very calm or whether we’re very out there and demonstrative, everybody’s roiling with emotion. And you want your characters to be that way, too. Then they have to deal with their emotions as best they can, with what they are.

→ Our biggest tangible clue? We now know a little something about the name… The “Ren” part comes from a group called “the Knights of Ren.” Is Kylo his title? How many more Rens are there? (For our spoiler readers: Seven, perhaps?)

Tomorrow, EW will bust out Han Solo… Stay tuned!

Lucasfilm launches fan art contest; Don’t expect any new The Force Awakens footage at D23

artawakensIn official official news, Lucasfilm has teamed with HP for a fan art competition, Art Awakens. Tumblr has been training for this!

→ With Entertainment Weekly, J.J. Abrams reiterated that we won’t get a new The Force Awakens trailer at D23, or at all until fall. There’ll be no TFA footage at all, “behind the scenes or otherwise,” he said. Of course, that doesn’t mean we won’t get something, like another character reveal or a new poster. (Not to mention things regarding the Parks…) And I’d bet actual money is still that we’ll get something for Rogue One.

The Force Awakens scoring sessions are “beyond anything I have experienced musically in my life,” a source tells the John Williams Fan Network.

→ More juice for the theory/hope that Episode VIII will return to film on Skellig Michael at The Star.

→ I won’t be tracking every TFA merchandise leak this month, but here are a few interesting ones: A Micro Machines Millennium Falcon playset, Black Series Finn, Chewbacca and < href="https://twitter.com/Sompeetalay/status/630494610574458880">Kylo Ren and Funko Pop Vinyl figures. My favorite, though, is a lunch bag with some new-to-us Captain Phasma art, which I love because even though she is 100% in armor, the way she’s standing is badass yet makes it absolutely clear that the character is a woman. Men don’t stand like that!

Disney’s Bob Iger tries to temper The Force Awakens’ box office expectations, speaks highly of Netflix

iger-falconDisney CEO Bob Iger tried to downplay box office expectations for The Force Awakens on the company’s earnings call yesterday – a wise movie, as the speculation seems more and more out of hand every time it comes up. (Mostly.)

In less tedious speculation, anyone keeping up with the latest live-action show rumors will be happy to hear what Iger to is saying regarding Netflix. In an interview with CNBC, he talked about “taking advantage of Netflix’s great growth” and that they’ve come forward as “an aggressive buyer of original programming.”

Did The Force Awakens merchandise just reveal a plot secret, or is it only marketing synergy?


Start prepping your theories, because according to Jedi Temples Archives an unexpected original trilogy figure will be a part of The Force Awakens action figure line. Now, it’s not someone so unexpected that I think one really needs a complicated theory, but fandoms gonna fandom. Still, ‘Qui-Gon’s Noble End’ this isn’t.

→ Since today marks exactly one month until Force Friday, we’re seeing a few bits about the toy launches. Making Star Wars has some fuzzy Walmart signage pics, and Toys R Us put up a press release – though with no direct mention of The Force Awakens. (Expect that shoe to drop closer to September.)

→ Even Del Rey got in the spirit, with pics of Aftermath book covers being printed.

→ And finally, Simon Kinberg talked a little about the Story Group – apparently the very early days, as Michael Arndt is mentioned – to Entertainment Weekly.