Instant The Force Awakens trailer reactions from James, Dunc and The Trailer Council


I was honored to be a part of The Trailer Council last night along with Tricia Barr (Fangirl Blog/Fangirls Going Rogue), Justin Bolger (The ForceCast), Dan Zehr (Coffee With Kenobi), Nanci Schwartz (Tosche Station), Bethany Blanton (The Star Wars Report), and Mark Newbold (Jedi News/Radio 1138), hosted by Full of Sith’s Bobby Roberts. We started recording this 10/15 minutes after the drop, and I wasn’t entirely with it yet (NEWS MODE) but it was fun! (Last night’s reaction actually came a bit after that.)

James (and Yowie) recorded his first watch for Youtube:

More reactions coming in the tweet roundup! Stay tuned.

The Force Awakens tickets for opening night are on sale!

tfa-teaser2-rey-bb-finn-run-imax1000It may depend on your local theater, but tickets for many ‘midnight’ and weekend showings of The Force Awakens are now on sale. Both Fandango and have each crashed once tonight already, so we don’t know how they’ll handle the post-trailer rush.

UPDATE: HERE’S THE TRAILER! 12+ hours later, many tickets are sold out, but if you’re not in a huge city, be sure to check. They will sell out eventually!

But beforehand, even J.J. Abrams weighed in, with a note that builds off a bit of the day’s weirdness:

The trailer is not on Monday Night Football to reach us


Scott Mendelson has some wisdom on why the big trailer debut tonight is happening during Monday Night Football – because it’s not just for us. Because, face it, we’re already hooked. They could drop this thing anywhere and we’d find it. They want – they need – to reach the people who haven’t been hanging on every piece of Star Wars news. We already know about the poster and teasers, but there are a lot of people out there who don’t. A lot of people who – despite liking Star Wars – maybe haven’t even seen both the previous trailers. They’re running the trailer during halftime of one of the most-watched events on TV to reach more than us.

Meanwhile, tickets are already on sale in the U.K., and they’re bringing down websites.

Since we’re talking about the trailer, here’s a reminder that I’ll be on The Trailer Council with several other fansite/podcasting people soon after the trailer drops.

It’s official: New poster launched, The Force Awakens trailer coming during Monday Night Football


Lucasfilm has finally confirmed that the rumors are true: The full-length trailer for The Force Awakens will debut during halftime on Monday night’s NFL game.

Tickets will go on sale “everywhere” following the trailer launch. Also confirmed is the Star Wars Marathon Event, aka the seven-movie marathon, at select theaters.

Lucasfilm says that Disney is “providing unprecedented company-wide on-air and social support” and “tying in events and special activities for the day of the trailer release.” Something – perhaps a trailer tease – is expected during Good Morning America tomorrow.

Or, they’ve already dropped one:

No, wait, three: One with Poe and Finn, and one with Rey and BB-8.

See the full poster beneath the cut, as well as a little minor theorizing.

Continue reading “It’s official: New poster launched, The Force Awakens trailer coming during Monday Night Football”

Short blurbs, earlier release date for Journey to The Force Awakens short stories?


Florian was first to spot these small summaries for the four Journey to The Force Awakens stories by Landry Walker. Each has a price of $2.99 and release date of November 24 – a week earlier than the December 1 date given at NYCC. Delilah Dawson’s The Perfect Weapon, which doesn’t have a summary yet (it’s the only digital short from Del Rey instead of Disney Lucasfilm Press) also has an Amazon release date of the 24th at the moment, though it’s only priced at $1.99.

The Crimson Corsair, presumably.
Captain Ithano of the Crimson Corsair?
The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku: “Every pirate in the sector is after the lost treasure of Count Dooku! Will Captain Ithano and his crew beat his rivals to the prize?”

All Creatures Great and Small : “A storyteller uses his captivating skills to calm frightened villagers on Jakku.”

High Noon on Jakku: “A renegade droid causes problems for Constable Zuvio on Jakku.”

The Face of Evil: “A notorious thief learns to be careful what she wishes for on Takodana.”

The four Landry stories are expected to be released in print, along with two new entries, in the spring. A sixth story, ‘Bait’ by Alan Dean Foster, will appear in a December issue of the Star Wars Insider.

Netflix could get streaming rights to The Force Awakens


A couple years ago, Disney and Netflix signed an agreement that will bring their movies exclusively to Netflix Instant beginning in 2016. But because it opens in 2015, that means The Force Awakens falls under Disney’s previous deal with Starz. But could it come to Netflix instead – maybe along with the rest of the saga? That may be enough reason for Disney to negotiate it away from Starz, Screencrush reports.