Roundup: Celebration V is closer than you might think

So in the midst of real life and other such horrors, I missed a great deal of Celebration V news. First off, you should know that we are now 99 days out from the event, a fact which strikes me with terror because I haven’t done a damn thing to prepare. (Yes, I really need to stop moving in Celebration years.) But onto the news:

  • We’ve had two sets of t-shirt reveals: The first, some standard logos. (I suppose if one must have Boba Fett, sticking him something appropriately Miami Vicesque takes some of the fanboy stench off.) The second set is much more palatable, even if it involves hot pink, and the Han/Leia shirt combo is rather adorable.
  • Jay Laga’aia is returning as celebrity host, which is A-OK by me, because Jay Laga’aia is awesome. Really, no snark here. He just is.
  • The doctor is inAlso hosting (at the Behind-the-Scenes Stage) is Internet Rockstar Pablo Hidalgo and LucasArts’ David Collins (on the Digital Stage.) Alas, this crushes my secret hope for a Pablo-staffed continuity-counseling booth (mockup at right) but it is more likely to keep him from running like a madman into the night.
  • The R2-D2 Builders will be there in force, promising “a bigger and more encompassing experience for our visitors that will not only include tons of droids, but also re-creations of some of the most iconic scenes from The Empire Strikes Back.”

We do exist: Ashley Eckstein launches Her Universe, a Star Wars merchandise line for female fans

The voice of Ahsoka Tano has teamed up with The Araca Group to make Star Wars stuff geared towards women. This seems to be a bit more than just a simple line of t-shirts – according to the press release, Eckstein and company have entered into a multi-year agreement with Lucas Licensing for “apparel and accessories.” Intriguing, no?

Pretty exciting – and LONG overdue. Not seeped in pink, either!

For more, stay tuned, follow HerUniverse on Twitter and Facebook, or head over to tomorrow night’s Forcecast, where Eckstein will take live calls.

The catchup: Links from the Twitter

A few things I’ve been micro-blogging @clubjade lately. (300 followers and counting…)

The Star Wars room of Cho WoongWowza. Danny Choo discovered Cho Woong’s incredible Star Wars room. I’m not normally a fan of collector chic, but for this guy I’m willing to make an exception.

Lists. Empire Strikes Back comes in at #6 on Empire’s list of the top 50 movie sequels, while Return of the Jedi clocks in at #21. Meanwhile, Star Wars is one of Geek Tyrant’s five films that changed the way people look at sci-fi movies. And Cracked checks out the five strangest post-Star Wars careers.

Tee. The environmentally-correct way to handle those lightsabered droid remains. Also: Hans Solo! (via)

Protip. It’s highly unlikely that Dark Horse was inspired by your fanfic, and saying so is your one-way ticket to a mass mocking.

The fandom minute: Wedge, dreams of Episode VII, collecting, princesses, day camp and go pro

A good wingman is hard to find. A t-shirt tribute to everyone’s favorite secondary character. This is an excellent shirt to wear when asking Aaron or Mike to sign your arm. (Yes men, you can get one, too.)

If you thought Episode I was slashtastic… Episode VII is among the five posters for sci-fi spinoffs that Sci Fi Wire really wants to see. Nice idea, but their suggestion of Peter Jackson is a bit much. (I mean, really? REALLY? Did no one see his King Kong? Lord of the Rings is one thing, but no giant gorilla movie has any right to go on that long.)

They don’t serve your kind. Duncan Jenkins’s guide to cantina collectibles.

Distressing damsels. Leia and Willow’s Sorsha are among Sci Fi Squad’s top ten princesses of sci-fi and fantasy.

Whoops. Seven classic star wars characters who totally dropped the ball.

Of course it’s Ann Arbor. TFN found a Star Wars day camp.

Lucas Online is hiring! Pablo and Bonnie have been out and about urging folks to apply for the Project Web Developer job. One could certainly do worse…

The fandom minute: Cake wrecks (and not,) R2 builders, Star Wars Lego, lol internets

disturbing-yodaOr death? Cake Wrecks went on a Star Wars twofer last week. First the bad cakes, then the good ones. At right, one of the more disturbing cakes, which I’m pretty sure is what happens when Yoda mates with a certain fertility idol.

The catchup: Links from Twitter

atat-anatomyHere are some of the things I’ve micro-blogged over @clubjade in the last week or so.

Clothing: Behold the Anatomy of the AT-AT t-shirt!

Guardians of peace and justice? Eight Scottish officers with the Strathclyde Police and two of their civilian co-workers have listed their religion as “Jedi.”

Crazy Twilight fan theater. Lady Sybilla’s industrial-sized victim complex trucks on! She’s now claiming that “Characters don’t belong to authors. Authors don’t create characters. They merely channel them.”

Lulz. io9’s Charlie Jane Anders pegs Obi-Wan Kenobi as one of the Great Unsung Slash Fiction Heroes. I know it’s pretty ironic that the most code-abiding Jedi in the saga is the fandom bicycle of Star Wars fanfic, but these things just tend to happen when Ewan MacGregor is involved.

Video fun! We Didn’t Start the Flame War! (NSFW, mostly for language.)