Poll: Social networking and other horrors

clubjade@twitter.comYou may have noticed our latest sidebar poll, which went up a few days ago, is about social networking sites.

It’s mostly idle curiosity on my part, as I created a Twitter account for the blog the other day. You don’t need an account there to read it, nor do you really need to read it. I fully plan to incorporate most of what is linked there into roundup posts here in time… You know, all that news that doesn’t really justify more than a line or two. This is nothing more than a quick and easy way to get it out there. But if you’re already Twitterified, go ahead and follow it! I promise, you won’t be hearing about what I had for lunch or anything.

In the meantime, fill out the poll! (If you marked ‘Other,’ go ahead and specify here.) And remember, friends don’t let friends use MySpace. Continue reading “Poll: Social networking and other horrors”

Friday morning reading list

Slashfilm came across a fan-made poster that spans the entire saga. I’m usually not a huge fan of the collage aesthetic, but I gotta admit this one is pretty nifty.