Out this week: Death Troopers, Invasion #0

You probably don’t need me to tell you that the internet famous Star Wars/zombie mashup novel Death Troopers is out today, what with all the twittering and reviewing and interviewing and such. Like, StarWars.com’s Zombie Week. (I don’t know about you, but I’m crossing my fingers for an official ‘Thriller’ video.)

Don’t forget Joe Schreiber’s book tour, which begins tonight in Huntington Beach, California.

As for Wednesday comics, there’s Invasion #0, which may look a little familiar.

Out this week(ish:) Legacy, 1000 Collectibles

A single, solitary comic this Wednesday: Legacy #40, the conclusion of the ‘Tatooine’ storyline. I find myself hoping that Morrigan shots Cade (not a spoiler: look at the cover;) if only to put us him out of his fail spiral.

As for books, both Amazon and B&N are showing a release date of October 1st for Steve Sansweet’s 1,000 Collectibles: Memorabilia and Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away. A Thursday? Does that just mean there is no official release date? In any case, go ahead and start looking but don’t count on anything.