Wednesday brings Knights of the Old Republic #47, but also keep your eyes open for a ‘Special Edition’ of Star Wars Insider.
Out this week: The Clone Wars, Purge
Wednesday will bring The Clone Wars #10 and the one-shot Purge — Seconds to Die to your local comic shop.
Out this week: The Clone Wars DVD, Invasion, Insider
Look for The Clone Wars season one on DVD and Blu Ray tomorrow. James has already run down the particulars for us, but I’m sure there will be more coming. Also keep an eye out for the latest Star Wars Insider. Uh, it has a whole page on Thrawn?
Meanwhile, Wednesday means Invasion #5, which will be the last for a while. (It alternates with Dark Times, or at least that was the plan.)
Out this week: Imperial Commando, Legacy
Look for Karen Traviss’ Imperial Commando: 501st in bookstores today, while Wednesday brings Legacy #41.
Out this week: Knights of the Old Republic
Wednesday will bring us a Knights of the Old Republic double punch – issue #46 and the ‘Dueling Ambitions’ trade.
Out this week: Death Troopers, Invasion #0
You probably don’t need me to tell you that the internet famous Star Wars/zombie mashup novel Death Troopers is out today, what with all the twittering and reviewing and interviewing and such. Like,’s Zombie Week. (I don’t know about you, but I’m crossing my fingers for an official ‘Thriller’ video.)
Don’t forget Joe Schreiber’s book tour, which begins tonight in Huntington Beach, California.
As for Wednesday comics, there’s Invasion #0, which may look a little familiar.
Out this week: Invasion, Vector Prime is 10
Buffy is here to save the day! No, wait, it’s only Invasion #4, out in comic shops on Wednesday. Oh well!
But on that note, the TFN boards are celebrating ten years of the New Jedi Order. Grab your favorite womb spore and… uhh… err… Chewbacca! Damn it. Sorry, I’m just not up to this one.
Out this week(ish:) Legacy, 1000 Collectibles
A single, solitary comic this Wednesday: Legacy #40, the conclusion of the ‘Tatooine’ storyline. I find myself hoping that Morrigan shots Cade (not a spoiler: look at the cover;) if only to put
us him out of his fail spiral.
As for books, both Amazon and B&N are showing a release date of October 1st for Steve Sansweet’s 1,000 Collectibles: Memorabilia and Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away. A Thursday? Does that just mean there is no official release date? In any case, go ahead and start looking but don’t count on anything.
Out this week: The Clone Wars, KOTOR
Just two for comic fans on Wednesday: The Clone Wars #9 and Knights of the Old Republic #45.
Out this week: Insider (plus December comic solicitations)
No books, no comics, just the Obi-centric Star Wars Insider #112. In more forward-looking news (or at least stuff you didn’t read last month,) the official site has December 2009 comic solicitations.