The fandom minute: Bathrooms, mummies, roller derby, games, and cake (always cake)

I have a feeling no one actually uses this. Tour the Star Wars bathroom. And if they do, I feel very sorry for whoever has to clean it.

Fanmade. Mummy Boy-customs by Leecifer.

Event. The Indiana 501st and Rebel Legion are heading out to cheer on battling roller derby teams at Cyclone Wars this weekend. (via)

Lists. Jennifer Volpe’s Top Ten Best ‘Star Wars’ Games. I’m taking a strange ornery pride in the fact that I haven’t played a single one. (Please don’t tell me to start. Some people don’t read: I don’t game.)

And finally, cake. You know it’s love when she makes you a Star Destroyer.

The fandom minute: Han and Chewie, Han and Kirk, Fanboys, George exhibit, Vader and Azaria

The buddy system. Han Solo and Chewbacca are on Fandomania’s list of the Top 10 SF/F Friendships. What, were you expecting Anakin and Obi-Wan?

Don’t tell Bill! Guess who Chris Pine looked to for his Kirk? Somebody’s aiming for a noogie from the Shat.

Party like it’s 1999. has photos from the Fanboys DVD release party in L.A.

Go forth and look at stuff. Space Center Houston will debut The Cinema of George Lucas this weekend, featuring “movie artifacts” from Star Wars, Indiana Jones and more. (via)

Seriously, why? It’s not really so much the how as as the why is Darth Vader appears in Night at the Museum 2

And finally… It’s a singing robot Vader extruder thing. Okay! (via)

The fandom minute: Morning crank edition

It’s art! Or not. No. Just no. Clone Wars character design, I know McQuarrie, and you sir are no McQuarrie. On the other hand, Christian Waggoner’s stuff is kinda cool.

Let them eat slime. This Jabba cake is appropriately disgusting yet totally hand-made. Pretty impressive.

Don’t strain yourself.Is Star Wars science fiction or fantasy? It’s sci-fantasy. Duh.

Listicles. Princess Leia is one of Yahoo’s lethal ladies; The prequels bottom out io9’s list of science fiction prequels, beating out even You-Know-Who’s Dune books on their scale of crappiness. Ouch.

Road trip! If you missed it, The Vader Project is now in Pittsburgh.

TCM picks Star Wars as one of their 15 most influential movies of all time

You WILL buy this Falcon playset...

The cable channel Turner Classic Movies turns 15 this month, and to celebrate they’ve named the 15 most influential films of all time. The list also includes Citizen Kane, Metropolis, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Psycho – but, for once, no Godfather movies. Star Wars is the latest film on the list, and one of the biggest moneymakers… Which is precisely why it’s there! Merchandising, baby.

Hey man, nice shot: Han Solo on EW’s ‘cool’ list

Entertainment Weekly has placed Han Solo at #7 on their list of the 20 all-time coolest heroes in pop culture. And he’s not even the only Harrison Ford character on it; Indiana Jones makes #2, beat out only by James Bond. The ladies are no slouches, either: Ellen Ripley is #5 and Buffy is #8, with Foxy Brown, Nancy Drew, and Sydney Bristow also making appearances.

UPDATE: Jezebel is annoyed that there weren’t more women on the list. Can’t really blame them there!

The fandom minute: A greatest hits, Danny Choo, children & ewoks, Yoda Japanese

The internet hype is strong with Deathtroopers

The cover for Joe Schreiber’s Deathtroopers was revealed on Monday, and since then it’s spread through the internet at large like wildfire: Pretty unusual for your standard Star Wars novel, which usually only surface among us obsessives and maybe a SF/F book blog or two. Whereas Deathtroopers has showed up at horror staple Fangoria and sizable movie blogs /Film, Cinematical and Film School Rejects. It even inspired a list of film franchises that need a genre change.

If blog hype is anything to go by, it seems that the publishing program’s foray into genre crossovers may finally have a bona fida hit outside of the usual audience… Or at the very least, they might be able to sell some posters to the Saw-loving masses.

And perhaps most tellingly, Deathtroopers has been the week’s top search keyword leading people to CJ… You can read all our coverage, including comments from Schreiber, by clicking on the ‘deathtroopers’ tag below.

Catchup: Holiday weekend link parade

Star Wars: People seemed really excited about the Battlefront III Sith Obi-Wan concept. I’m underwhelmed. Slightly more interesting is this Vader gas mask, which is the first piece revealed from a new round of The Vader Project.

Shock and Awe: The 50 best special effects

Den of Geek’s top fifty movie special effects shots is a hell of a list. It willingly embraces all eras, movies that you might not expect (Hitchcock?!?) and hell, I think I learned a thing or two. (And all the scenes have a video. That’s some serious dedication.) It probably goes without saying that A New Hope and Return of the Jedi get entries.

Plus I’ll take any excuse to lead off with Harryhausen.

They also have a list of the 24 worst special effects of all time, which includes that horrible Special Edition Jabba scene. (Which I still hold is worse than Han shooting first.)