Joss speaks out

Joss Whedon comments about Fox’s shutdown of the BTVS “Once More With Feeling” singalong showings. Says the Master: “This is hugely depressing. I will do everything in my power to find out the exact reasoning for this and try to convince those responsible what a mistake it is.” (Via Cleolinda)

Neil Gaiman and the demigods of geekdom

Stardust may not be out yet, but it’s certainly getting its share of hype. It’s currently getting a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes (from only five reviews, granted) but Neil Gaiman is everywhere.

Really, there ought to be a band

Videos du jour

SDCC: The final roundup

I did not regret not going to Comic-Con until I heard this: They showed a Futurama trailer. Why is it not online? This is so unfair.

You changed the outcome by measuring it!

Trailers and such

Movie news grab bag

I can’t keep up with all this Indy news, and no Jaders are volunteering. You should try the Unofficial Indiana Jones Movie Blog.
