“The biggest problem with Star Wars books today.” The real meat of the matter comes from Carnage04 a little more than halfway down, and it boils down to a simple fact: you can’t please everyone. (And that goes double for TFN.)
Weird things on the Wookieepedia
Wookieepedia on the AP wire
Didn’t someone do a blog entry about that once?
From the Blogside
Apparently some other space franchise is 40 years old this week. Pablo has some thoughts on Star Trek, the mother of modern fandom.
JawaJoey considers the upcoming DVD release and reaction. I’m gearing up for the flood of disappointed/overblown/smug blog and forum posts myself…
Nar Cranor has advice for folks wanting to start a fansite. He has some good points, but it seems to me there’s a lot more to it than just finding something new… You have to do it well. Or at least, better than anyone else doing the same thing. And don’t start a forum (or a group blog…) unless you’re pretty sure you can bring in enough folks to populate it properly.
Reviews: RJ Peters on Bloodlines, and Suzanne takes on both Betrayal and Bloodlines.
Weird things on the Wookieepedia
The Endor Holocaust, the theory (theory!) that Ewoks Go Boom. Fanboys, I swear…Well, at least it makes for a funny Metafilter thread.
Weird things on the Wookieepedia
Musical groups – there are more than just two!
Sadly, The Dead Daalas are ineligible, but there is a group called the Dead Rebels with a song called Death Star Diva that “was considered extremely horrible”. Hmm…
Weird things on the Wookieepedia
A frighteningly long list of food and beverages from the Galaxy Far, Far Away. This is exactly why we need wikis, folks. Why should Pablo Hidalgo or Leland Chee waste valuable time compiling silly stuff like this for the rare super-obsessive fan who’s actually going to need to know what ryshcate is?
Yeah, it’s a bit scary. But still, kind of neat. There’s even a picture of blob candy…
I sense much wank in you…
It’s National RetCon Week at TFN. Let the nitpickery begin!
None shall pass!
The UnWookieepedia is good clean mocking fun. Especially the stuff about Obi-Wan, because we don’t know anyone like that at all. (Thanks McEwok!)
What’s up with TFN? Not much…
In the past week, it seems that TheForce.net, Star Wars fandom’s most popular fansite, has been down. And up. And down. A lot. Their message boards are working, though most of the time all the graphics and styles appear stripped away. (I actually find this much easier on the eyes than the usual design chaos, but it seems most don’t agree.) I ventured into the boards seeking answers, but found little but vagueness and confused users. So is it an April Fools joke? Did Philip Wise forget to pay the server bill? Trekkie DOS attack? Sister site Rebelscum (which seems to be running just fine) eating its own? Only time will tell. Until then, I shrug.