Fan documentary George and Me was released today on DVD. The film has already garnered some decent buzz, with both Sky Gilbert and interview subject David Frost getting local media coverage, in addition to fan love from TFN and the 501st.
Revenge of the Myth
Jeff Cioletti’s sequel to the documentary The Fandom Menace, Galaxy’s End: Revenge of the Myth, will be screened at the New York Comic Con later this month.
Ringers: on DVD today
The definitive film about Lord of the Rings fans is now available on DVD. says:
Of all the documentaries devoted to J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy classic, Ringers: Lord of the Fans is the first and only one to respectfully honor the good-natured depth and breadth of Lord of the Rings fandom… Actor Dominic Monaghan (“Merry” from Jackson’s trilogy, before joining the ensemble cast of Lost) perfectly delivers the film’s eloquent narration, which runs the LOTR gamut from intellectual appreciation to the hilarious eccentricities of über-fan obsession. Unfailingly noble in spirit and delightfully comprehensive, Ringers is a collector’s gift that can proudly stand alongside Tolkien’s books and Jackson’s timeless movie trilogy.
Something else for the Christmas list!
It’s Star Wars Fan Film Time Again
In what is fast becoming a tradition, the 2004 Star Wars Fan Film Awards are coming up again. This year’s finalists have been announced.
You can help to pick the Audience Choice Award by watching and voting on Atom Films.
As with every year so far, there are some really clever entries. So remember to vote early and vote often!