Interviews. Eric and Erik at The ForceCast had LucasBooks editor Jennifer Heddle on their latest episode. The discussion segment begins at about 28 minutes in. At about 50 minues in, Eric asks if there really is “a hold” on books for next year. “There was definitely a little bit of limbo,” Heddle said. But “there will be more books in 2014, we’re just not at the point we can announce them yet.”
Comics. Tim Siedell talks to CBR about his next Star Wars mini-series, ‘Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows.’
The blogside. At the blog, Jason Fry and Paul Urquhart address The Celestials, while Rich Handley and Abel G. Peña go back to the Marvel days for a look at The Wheel. Brian at Tosche Station compares and contrasts the Leia of the Star Wars comic with the Leia of Razor’s Edge. And I posted an intermediate followup to my beginner’s guide to the EU, because apparently I just don’t devote enough time to writing about Star Wars as it is.
Reviews. James is pleased with the mysteries deepening in Legacy #7.