Advertising fun: Your daily dose of potty humor

IMAGE: Vader ad

This ad for the German (?) digital TV service Premiere is one of three featured on Ads of the World. The other two invoke Scream and Spider-Man. No idea if these are real ads or spec/student/portfolio work, but still pretty funny.

Poking around I also found a few more Star Wars-themed ads for Sony, Blockbuster and Disney (1, 2, 3, 4.) And it appears that Spike wasn’t the first to put fluorescents to work for the cause.

The usual suspects…

Two new commercials: “Brothers” and “Celebration“. Alas, I am on a computer with no Quicktime, but I’m guessing they’re light on Palpy action. There’s also a “Science of Star Wars” special airing on Discovery.

Hayden Christensen is on the cover of tomorrow’s Entertainment Weekly. It appears that this time there may actually be a real article to go with it.

Crazy fans at Grauman’s refuse an offer from George himself to be escorted by Stormies to the ArcLight.

The Scotsman on why Star Wars has universal appeal.

CNN Money explores the financial impact of ROTS on Lucasfilm, theatres, and the toy industry.

From the Christian Science Monitor (via CBS), yet another George Lucas article.

Master Replicas! You want one. Hell, I want one. And it looks like they’ll be making costumes by Halloween…