Would you spend $800 dollars to own (almost) every Japanese Godzilla movie ever made?
And hey, if nothing else, you can use the box to destroy Tokyo.
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Would you spend $800 dollars to own (almost) every Japanese Godzilla movie ever made?
And hey, if nothing else, you can use the box to destroy Tokyo.
In what is fast becoming a tradition, the 2004 Star Wars Fan Film Awards are coming up again. This year’s finalists have been announced.
You can help to pick the Audience Choice Award by watching and voting on Atom Films.
As with every year so far, there are some really clever entries. So remember to vote early and vote often!
It appears that those Hobbits still can’t stay away from each other. Billy Boyd (Pippin) and Dominc Monahan (Merry) have come up with an idea for a buddy movie where they play two “befuddled” Englishmen traveling through the United States.
They’re still looking for money. Anybody have any?
C-3PO is one of the new inductees to the Robot Hall of Fame. He joins his counterpart R2-D2 and several other famous robots.
Last year, popular journaler Pamie (also an author and TWOP Recapper) learned that the Oakland Public Library, short on budget, put up an Amazion Wish List so that friends and patrons could purchase new books for them. She wrote an entry about it, and the news spread – and more than 600 books found their way to Oakland.
This year, Pamie is sponsoring the San Diego County Public Library – they’ve already past the hundred mark in a matter of days. Spread the word!
J.K. Rowling claims the previous title leak for the next Harry Potter was placed by a hacker, and reveals the ‘real’ title. The fandom jury is out on whether it’s a fake or not, as it was apparently a working title for one of the earlier volumes.
ETA: And it’s true. I’ll keep my eye out for some good Livejournal speculation.
James Berardinelli puts in a few good reasons why the Phantom Menace didn’t suck, (but he gives no excuses for Jar-Jar).
Now this… this is ‘focused’ – a blog written in Klingon. As far as I can tell, the post contents look pretty standard – Harry Potter, vanity goggling… Just in Klingon. Fascinating. [via Biz Stone]
Gary Oldman is rumored to be in talks to do voice work in Episode 3. There is information in the link that may provide possible spoilers about characters.
The official site posted a production update concerning additional photography, with a new photo of Anakin. There are possible location spoilers in the link.
Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings: Separated at birth. Funny because it’s true.
Someone claims to have hacked into J.K. Rowling’s super cool, brand new website to find the title of book 6. Possible spoilers, I suppose, if you consider possibly fraudulent information spoilerish.
And last but certainly not least, a casting list for Goblet of Fire.