This morning, NJOE posted about a listing they’d found for a James Luceno Darth Plagueis novel scheduled for 2012. I was doubtful (after all, the book was canceled) but it was brought to the VIP thread, where Sue confirmed that the book has indeed risen from the dead:
Yes, apparently a database has leaked this upcoming hardcover that will follow Palpatine’s rise to power and his Master, Plagueis. “Not Yet Published” should have read: “Not Yet Announced.”
I’m very hesitant about this: I believe that Palpatine’s backstory, like Yoda’s, is one the EU should give a wide berth, and I can’t fathom that it’s possible to do that effectively with story of his Sith Master.
(Of course, given what I really want out of this story, it’s probably for the best that I don’t make these decisions.)
Sue also said this book is not the replacement for Imperial Commando #2 (we might hear more on that next week) and that no more adult Clone Wars novels are planned through the end of the current contract.
In the style of Napoleon Dynamite. SWEET! I was disappointed to hear of that being cancelled.
The guy on the SW forum that mentioned doing a dooku qui-gon book is on the right track. I actually think they should novelize the story about how Dooku became disillusioned with the jedi order and left, including some qui gon stuff.