Gift Guide: Santa Maul panders to his demographic


Santa Maul's Holiday Gift GuideSanta Maul considers himself a gentleman of taste. This means he does not wear baseball caps, or any such gear reserved for the beer-swilling masses. As such, he finds these Star Wars baseball caps – while wildly creative – not the type of thing he would ever let near his perfectly-adequate head. But again, Santa Maul’s duty here is not to outfit himself, but you… Or friends with ridiculously pedantic taste in headgear. Santa Maul only points and comment: The rest is up to you. And at least none of them hold beer.

4 Replies to “Gift Guide: Santa Maul panders to his demographic”

  1. I gotta say, I’m kinda liking that stormtrooper hat. The Artoo one is also hilarious.

    However, I refuse to pay that kind of money for a baseball hat. (Sorry. Trucker hat.)

  2. Paula: i’ll take your dare. I’d wear the Chewie hat.

    although the Threepio one really cracks me up. but gold lame’ hats… not my style.

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