Her Universe’s main lines for Solo has launched at Hot Topic and Torrid, and they are extremely retro and colorful and even – in a way – sort of subtle? In that some of them are not immediately recognizable as Star Wars to the non-obsessive eye, that is. Because there is exactly nothing subtle about those stripes and the other extremely ’70s touches.
Constructed inside three 40-foot long shipping containers, visitors can stop by Lando’s bar, sit at the famed Dejarik table, and finally get the chance to say “Punch it!” from inside the iconic cockpit. The finest details were crafted using the same molds used in Solo: A Star Wars Story!
So if you’re in or nearby Highland Heights, Kentucky (seven miles southeast of Cincinnati), Atlanta, Salt Lake City, or Denver, congrats! As for the rest of us, there’s a tour in the latest episode of The Star Wars Show, which also features Marvel’s Kevin Feige and a model Falcon made with Solo cups:
A scene from Solo was shown at CinemaCon 2018 today in Vegas, showing attendees the first meeting between Han Solo and Lando Calrissian. The most complete description seems to from Germain Lussier at io9.
Does Han win the Millennium Falcon the very first time he plays against Lando? We’ll see in a month, I suppose.
Lucasfilm has Solo star Alden Ehrenreich signed up for three films, he confirmed to Esquire.
We first heard this back in 2016 – and no one was particularly shocked by it then. Signing up your stars for multiple films is pretty standard when you’re dealing with big franchises like Star Wars, even in the (now rare) cases where sequels aren’t planned. I don’t think this means that Solo sequels are a given, but it does give Lucasfilm the option.
Meanwhile, here’s the full Ehrenreich profile from Esquire, where he addresses the Phil Lord and Christopher Miller situation – and says it’s not true that he approached higher-ups about them.
A VERY iffy but extremely interesting Episode IX rumor has emerged this weekend, and it’s of particular interest to long-time readers of our site. This is SUPER SKETCHY information, from a Youtuber no less, but it’s also something I don’t feel I can ignore. Head under the cut for possible (or not, it’s that sketchy) spoilers, and some additional thoughts.
Solo is a wrap, director Ron Howard tweeted today. “What a movie-making adventure it’s been! Thanks to a terrific cast & extraordinary folks behind the camera as well,” he wrote. “You’ve worked so hard to fully realize this cool story. Hope fans have a blast!”
Two new Solo photos, and some insights into Han, Chewie and Lando, from Ron Howard, Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover in Entertainment Weekly’s summer movie preview.
On Wednesday’s Star Wars Show, writers Lawrence and Jon Kasdan talk the origins of Solo, including some insight into Lando, L3-37, Tobia Beckett and Enfys Nest.
Victoria Mahoney will be a second unit director for Episode IX, fellow director Ava DuVernay announced this evening on Twitter. “Catt’s outta the bag,” Mahoney tweeted. “Thank you @ava for putting my name in the #StarWars #LucasFilm hat. Thank you #JJAbrams for inviting me on your ferocious ride. *This one’s for the outliers, dreaming big–in small corners of the Earth.”
Mahoney will be the first African-American woman to hold a directing role in the franchise. Her directing credits include episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, American Crime, Power and DuVernay’s Queen Sugar.