Poll: Summer movie choice-a-thon!

IMAGE: Summer movies

So, the reading habits survey was kind of a bust. LESSON LEARNED. Our latest poll is simple enough, though – What big summer movie are you most anticipating? Yes, I’m assuming you’re at least a little excited about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and The Clone Wars, so this is for everything else. (Genre only: sorry, SATC, Harold, Kumar.) Good news is, you can pick as many of them as you like! But you still only get to click vote once, so choose carefully. Continue reading “Poll: Summer movie choice-a-thon!”

Poll results: Are you watching the saga on Spike?

40% of those who answered the last poll are not watching the movies on Spike at all, and I’d like to apologize for not including a ‘I don’t live in the US/have cable/get Spike’ answer. But the good news is that most of you are, at least a little bit. 24% wouldn’t dream of not watching, 21% watched at least a bit, and 15% of you got sucked in unintentionally.

New poll: Are you watching the saga on Spike?

I’m not going to bother to make any graphics for the last poll: As expected, most of you (73%, 58 votes) never participated in What’s the Story. Of those who did, 15% (12 votes) never got in a published entry, and 11% (9 votes) did.

This week’s poll is a bit more inclusive: Are you watching the Star Wars movies on Spike?

Poll: Sitting Ducks of the Expanded Universe

IMAGE: Poll resultsLast week’s poll asked what clearly doomed EU character is the least likely to survive their series. And the verdict is… Ahsoka Tano with 45 votes, even though The Clone Wars series hasn’t even started yet! Can’t say I’m surprised: That girl has had cannon fodder written all over her from day one. Coming in second (29 votes) is Darth Caedus of Legacy of the Force. The end of Caedus is almost certain, although you’ll note I didn’t mention Jacen Solo… Rounding out the back is Ferus Olin of the Last of the Jedi series with 21 votes. I found that surprising, due to that everyone I’ve known who actually reads those books seems to hate him… And he’s going up against Darth Vader, come on!

This week’s poll is about participation in the official site’s now-defunct What’s the Story feature, which allowed regular-joe fans to add a bit to Star Wars canon.