Comic review: Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #3 brings the Jedi into the fray between Maul and Sidious, and gets a thumbs up from James.
Jonathan Rinzler’s AMA
Lucasfilm’s Jonathan Rinzler did a Reddit AMA. Lots of interesting stuff, but as for big ‘news:’ George Lucas thinks Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc and there’s another big archive project in the pipeline. No details, though.
Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide spotted, confirms familiar characters
Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide has been spotted out in the wild, and seems to confirm some familiar characters for the show… The book will be out in hardcover July 21 from DK.
Out this week: Del Rey sampler, Son of Dathomir #3
Well, now that we’ve got had our first look at a new/old upcoming comic, let’s see what you can actually pick up this week…
Today, send your eBook reader of choice to your eBook retailer of choice to download the free sampler containing previews of all four of Del Rey’s announced upcoming books. It gives us our first look at John Jackson Miller’s A New Dawn, James Luceno’s Tarkin, Kevin Hearne’s Heir to the Jedi and Paul Kemp’s Lords of the Sith. I skimmed it last night, and let’s just say that ‘underwhelmed’ seems to be the word of the day…
Meanwhile, comic readers will have Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #3, the second-to-last issue, waiting for them on Wednesday.
Marvel’s first step with their new Star Wars license? A reprint.
Well, this is underwhelming: The first fruit of Marvel’s new run on Star Wars is… Their old run on Star Wars? It’s a collection called Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years. At 880 pages, it’ll run you $125, but it is the first part (#1-44) of the complete run. Zounds!
Historic, yes. Thrilling? Not so much. I can understand Marvel not wanting to take the spotlight away from today’s (lady!) Thor announcement, but ehh. Well, at least we didn’t have to watch The View.
Full of Sith delves into Shadows of the Empire
The latest episode of Full of Sith delves into Shadows of the Empire. I haven’t read the book since it came out, but I do remember one thing very clearly: Most, if not all, of Club Jade hated it due to the icky gender issues (‘skeevy’ is gentlest way to put it) re: Xizor. Bryan reads some of the worst of it out loud. Thanks, Bryan.
#AlohaAaron: Remembering Aaron Allston at, during SDCC
DragonCon will be memorializing Aaron this year as well – stay tuned for details.
SDCC signing schedule for John Jackson Miller and Doug Wheatley
SDCC signing schedule for John Jackson Miller and Doug Wheatley. And your chance to get the advance version of A New Dawn.
Recap: Timothy Zahn talks Star Wars books past, future and fridged on Reddit
Although Timothy Zahn’s Reddit AMA today was not specifically for his Star Wars work (unlike Jeremy Bulloch this morning, who was promoting A Force For Change.) Tim’s is for the Humble Sci-Fi eBook Bundle 3, which contains his novel Blackcollar But of course there were , there were still plenty of Star Wars questions, recapped below.
First off, no Star Wars is currently on his plate. When asked about his current projects:
So far, nothing new with Star Wars, but they know where to find me if they want me.
On what he’d like to write in the new canon:
I would certainly be interested in writing more Star Wars. I presume LFL wouldn’t simply give me carte blanche, but would want something specific (a spin-off from Ep 7, maybe, or some backstory filler).
If they really let me do whatever I wanted, I have a couple of ideas (all right: 20-30) in mind. But all of that depends on them.
His thoughts on the noncanon/Legends status of the old Expanded Universe.
I wasn’t going to address this topic. But since so many of you have asked:
What the “non-canon” announcement by LFL means is that they aren’t going to be bound by the Expanded Universe books, comics, and games as they plan their new movies. Realistically, that’s something they had to do — the EU is just too big, complicated, and occasionally contradictory for them to have to deal with.
However, I’m guessing that EU stories that aren’t referenced (or contradicted) by the sequel movies will still be considered sort-of alive, in the same way that most Clone Wars-era stories (like Outbound Flight) were mostly unaffected, with the exception being all of the previous material on Boba Fett’s backstory.
Alternatively, if the new movies do contradict my books in some way, I can probably come up with some hand-waving story that will explain the apparent discrepancy. If there’s one thing we authors are good at, it’s hand-waving.
On that Chewbacca moon-dropping nonsense:
Nope, I had nothing to do with dropping that moon on Chewbacca. (Peter Mayhew’s a friend — I’d never do that to him!)
Still, given that Peter’s in the new movie (presumably as Chewie) it would appear that the folks who dropped that moon missed.
On the Mara-killing nonsense:
Not only was I given no input to Mara’s fate, I wasn’t even told about it until a couple of months before publication.
If I had been offered a say, though, I’d have argued against it. My vision of Star Wars is good vs evil, with the heroes struggling to win, and the major characters making it through. (Otherwise, either Lando or Wedge would have died inside the second Death Star.)
For the record, this isn’t just because Mara was my creation. I’d have argued against killing Chewbacca for the same reason.
Also: On his stuff making it to the screen; where the idea for Thrawn came from and if he had been in command at Endor and against the Vong; his unpublished stuff; what about more Imperial Mara? Karrde’s face/accent; on the alien invasion hints that eventually lead to the NJO; on ‘just for the paycheck’ and if he feels any resentment for being known for franchise work; on the ‘perks’; his formula for hyperspace; on continuity.
Timothy Zahn and Jeremy Bulloch doing Reddit AMAs today
UPDATE: Jeremy Bulloch’s AMA is now live. And here’s Tim’s! I’ll recap any Star Wars stuff in a new post later.
Both author Timothy Zahn and actor Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett in Empire and Jedi) are doing Reddit Ask Me Anythings today.
Bulloch is first up at noon EDT/9 a.m. PDT, while Zahn takes the evening/afternoon shift at 7 p.m. EDT/4 p.m. PDT. And, uhh, unless they make a HUGE announcement today, I don’t think he’ll be able to tell you if Mara or Thrawn is going to show up in Episode VII or Rebels.