Rumor: Are Benioff and Weiss heading to the Old Republic?

We’ve heard unverified rumblings before that the first of the non-saga Star Wars films from Game of Thrones’ David Benioff and D.B. Weiss would come out before Rian Johnson’s, but today we have a time frame from Star Wars News Net: It’s up after IX, with filming to begin in the fall.

They – or rather, their source, who they say has “worked on every Star Wars film since Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm” – also claim that the films will be set in the Old Republic era, which will perhaps be most familiar as the Legends (i.e. currently noncanon) video game Knights of the Old Republic and various spinoffs, which include the still-active MMO The Old Republic.

If Lucasfilm’s aim is indeed to “appeal to a more Game of Thrones style audience.”, the still somewhat controversial pick (a couple of not-in-the-books rape plots on Game of Thrones, and that whole Confederate thing) of Benioff and Weiss suddenly does make a lot more sense.

To be honest, this whole thing reads to me like a repackaging of earlier (and even shakier) rumors and fan theories/wishful thinking, so I can’t put a lot of faith in it. (If you’re curious, the first KOTOR-centric movie “rumor” dates back to early 2013.) But as little as it appeals to me, there’s no doubt that the Knights of the Old Republic games and their offshoots are beloved by many fans. It’s hardly inconceivable that Lucasfilm might want to take a whack at them in canon. But, as always, I’m skeptical.

Consider that we still know next to nothing about anything happening past Episode IX, which could change at Celebration. For the moment, let’s just hope this rumor doesn’t lead to another round of “Rian got fired” from the angry bros and their short attention spans.

Oscar Isaac on finishing up Star Wars with John Boyega

In yet another interview, Oscar Isaac talks about how Episode IX was the most fun (again) but also does some heavy lifting for Finn/Poe (or Finn & Poe, however you care to read it):

I think the one thing I can say [about Star Wars: Episode IX] is that it has been the most fun for me, particularly working with John Boyega because we have just had so much more to do together and we just really connected in a great way. It was really a wonderful way to finish it for me because John was the first person I met right when I screen-tested. It was just with me and him. So it just felt like a real full-circle thing.

We do have some illicit evidence (by which I mean possible spoilers) that points towards their adventure.

Out this week: Star Wars, Solo

Two comics, a Legends trade and a new Insider are our new releases for Wednesday, March 20.

Speaking of Legends, does Queen Trios’ headgear situation on the cover of Star Wars #63 remind anyone else of the old-school Sith from Dark Horse’s ’90s Tales of the Jedi comics? Homage? Coincidence? They’re both based off some old Flash Gordan serial? Anyway, there’s also Solo #6, Star Wars Insider #188, and back to Legends, volume three reprinting of Dark Horse’s ’00s Knights of the Old Republic series.

Resistance ends S1 with ‘No Escape, Part 2’

The first season of Star Wars Resistance wraps up with Sunday’s ‘No Escape, Part 2.’

Kaz and Torra free Yeager and Doza, but Tam is going to be escorted off world by the First Order. Kaz comes up with a crazy plan, using Neeku’s help to upset the platform – literally. The First Order are temporarily thwarted, but return to destroy Kaz and crew…

More images and a clip under the cut

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Episode IX set for Friday at Celebration

The Episode IX panel at Celebration Chicago is set for Friday, April 12. Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams are our only confirmed panelists, but previous Celebrations generally featured a good chunk of the main cast. Also, could that picture, from today’s ReedPOP email, above be our third from IX, or it is a TFA pic that’s only now coming to light? Mystery!

Today also featured more new guests, headlined by Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera), Hugh Quarshie (Captain Panaka) and Katee Sackhoff (Bo-Katan).

Celebration roundup: Galaxy’s Edge panel gets pinned down

→ Of course there’s a Galaxy’s Edge panel coming to Celebration. Honestly, at this point, it’s a little surprising they’re not theming the whole con after this thing. Here’s hoping there’s a neat floor setup somewhere. (Bring the booze, guys. You’ve done it before.)

→ Erin Kellyman (Enfys Nest) and Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks) join the guest list.

→ More costuming tips, this time on The Clone Wars folks.

→ Also: Tattoo Pavilion details, first look at the merch, and the official hashtag (sign).

Star Wars out this week: Han Solo, General Grievous

Two comics are out on Wednesday, March 11. Han Solo: Imperial Cadet #5 ends the miniseries, while Age of Republic: General Grievous is the last prequel-era comic of the mega-series, which becomes Age of Rebellion with the next issue.

And for Friday, March 13, there’s a trade from IDW. Star Wars Adventures Volume 5 collects issues #9, #12, and #13.

Continue reading “Star Wars out this week: Han Solo, General Grievous”

Celebration roundup: Animation panels, Paul Bettany and Riz Ahmed added

Three Star Wars animation panels will be held a Celebration Chicago: Rebels on Saturday, The Clone Wars on Sunday and Resistance on Monday. The Clone Wars will preview their new Disney+ episodes, while Resistance – which will finish off their first season on two weeks -will preview season 2. (The Rebels panel will not feature any new series announcements, LFL publicist Tracy Cannobbio says.)

Three more guests have been added: Solo’s Paul Bettany (Dryden Vos), Rogue One’s Riz Ahmed (Bodhi Rook) and The Last Jedi’s Hermione Corfield (Tallissan Lintra).