Fate of the Jedi: First blurb for Golden’s Allies

NJOE spotted a blurb for Fate of the Jedi: Allies – the fifth book in the series, and second by Christie Golden – on Amazon.co.uk. The second half sounds like it could be a bit spoilery for Backlash, so highlight to read.

In the middle novel of the bestselling nine-book “Star Wars” series “Fate of the Jedi”, an uneasy – and unprecedented – coalition of Jedi and Sith enter the dark and treacherous area of space known as the Maw to search out the strange being that has been reaching out to Luke Skywalker during his journey to retrace the travels of his late nephew, Jacen Solo. Forced to wait on the planet Klatooine for reinforcements from Lando Calrissian, this already fragile alliance is threatened by the presence of the Hutts, and while Leia, Han, Jaina, and Jag walk a fine line between obeying the law of the Galactic Alliance and supporting Luke, Jedi Ben Skywalker and Sith Apprentice Vestara Khai may be the ones to lead the mission to triumph – or disaster.

Allies is due out May 25.

Video: Nostalgia Chick looks for The Last Unicorn

This isn’t the best Nostalgia Chick, but it’s The Last Unicorn! It was my favorite movie as a kid – I watched it so much that my mother hates it to this day – so I couldn’t not post it. And hey, Christopher Lee!

I can’t believe that it was made by the same guys who did that horrible animated Lord of the Rings. That cartoon is why it took Peter Jackson four-plus hours and a cliffhanger to get me to actually read the trilogy.

Meanwhile, the Nostalgia Critic has a tribute to two other staples of my childhood, Siskel and Ebert. (Is that weird? That the syndicated tv show of two movie critics is a staple of my childhood? TOO BAD.)

It’s Friday! Let’s Boogie!!

In honor of our Slacker Friday the 13th here at Club Jade, I give you some sci-fi-related time wasters:

Alrighty.  Thanks for playing.  Dunc will probably wake up soon.  And we expect James out of quarantine sometime in the next week or so.  (Or maybe he’s just trying to marathon Star Trek?)

In the meantime, go and play on our open post.  Let us know what you’re up to on this wacky day of days.  And go support sci-fi tonight.  There are plenty of offerings on tap.

TGIF: The 13th is Rebel-mandated break time

Drink 'em if you got 'em

It’s Friday. I’m wiped and James is sick, so unless something breaks or Paula has more fortitude than either of us, you’re on your own: I am declaring this an open thread. Share a link, ask a question, and we’ll try our best to keep up. Or at least not fall asleep before The Clone Wars.