Is it time for Del Rey to bring back Stackpole?

It’s been just over 11 years since the release of Dark Tide: Ruin, Michael Stackpole’s last Star Wars novel. With a new X-Wing novel by Aaron Allston on schedule for next spring, naturally thoughts have turned to thoughts of seeing Stackpole return. As many of us witnessed at Dragon*Con last weekend, he still has his share of fans – right up there with Allston and Timothy Zahn, both of who have been steadily producing Star Wars novels over the past few years.

‘Will you return to Star Wars was one of the top questions he was asked at the con, and some dedicated fans have started a petition. Want to go on record? Now’s the time.

Heir to the Empire annotation #5: Rogue love

In our fifth peek at the annotations from the 20th anniversary edition of Heir to the Empire, Timothy Zahn talks about Wedge and the Rogues.

Rogue Squadron was half convenience and half a throwaway line — a unit I could move around wherever I needed it, with Wedge in command because anyone who can survive three Star Wars movies is welcome in my book any day. I would never in my wildest dreams have guessed how well and how far Mike Stackpole and, later, Aaron Allston would run with the whole idea.

The new edition’s release date was pushed back to June 28 earlier this week.

Stackpole’s X-Wing novels out of print

UPDATE 4/12: …And not so much.

Mike Stackpole learned today that Bantam has allowed his X-Wing novels to go out of print. This is a puzzling turn of events to be sure: Though the Star Wars backlist is lengthy, the X-Wing novels have generally been good bets for folks just starting in the EU and are special favorites of many fans.

This does raise questions about the status of Bantam’s other classic EU novels. Are the X-Wing novels alone? (I can think of a few that deserve the ‘honor’ a hell of a lot more.) Is this just a temporary burp? Will they be repackaged as eBooks or in new editions (trade compilations would be nice) to support Aaron Allston’s 2012 Wraith Squadron novel? Let’s hope so.