…Okay, I admit it, this is pretty funny. (via)
Video: The Lego Force Unleashed
Video: Muppets try out for Star Wars
Fairly sure I’ve seen this before, but can’t find it in the archives so what the hell. There’s never a bad day for Muppets.
Video: Tour Lucasfilm’s data center
Cnet goes into the belly of the beast at at LucasFilm’s Letterman Digital Arts Center a few years back. (Via /Film, who also has some photos of Pixar’s render farm.)
Video: My Little Ponies doing musicals
This is terrifying. (You’re welcome.)
TGIF: The Song That Goes Like This
For all lovers of musical theater and/or Monty Python.
Teaser: The Last Airbender
Video: Star Wars is made of meat
Leave it to Japan to make the Holiday Special look tasteful and restrained. (via)
Video: When scrolling text attacks
Video: Nostalgia Chick on ‘The Smurfette Principle’
No, we’re not familiar with this at all.