The Star Wars live action series has a working title

In this interview today, Rick McCallum told IGN that the live-action show’s working title is Star Wars: Underworld. He goes on to talk in some detail about the reasons that the series is on hold (“Each one-hour episode is bigger than the prequels were.”) which is rather fascinating in and of itself.

(You’re very lucky that I’m too tired to photoshop anyone’s head onto Kate Beckinsdale’s body.)

The Clone Wars is back with ‘Escape from Kadavo’

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is back with a new episode to start off the year, finishing up the Slaves of Zygerria arc with ‘Escape from Kadavo’. Anakin Skywalker tries to convince the Queen of Zygerria that she, too, serves a master – Count Dooku, while an enslaved Obi-wan Kenobi has to behave in order to protect the Togruta slaves on Kadavo. Check out a second clip below the cut.

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