Haven’t heard too much about this one, but it’s space opera and the Wachowski’s first fully original film since The Matrix trilogy. Can you buy Channing Tatum in eyeliner?
Video: Dennis Muren on effects by location
In this weekend’s retro clip, Muren talks about how the number of locations complicates VFX.
Video: Let’s Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas
Santa Maul is pleased to share this cover of his favorite holiday song. (via)
And Santa Maul will take this occasion to remind you that he is still on Twitter, and happy to file his followers. Are you naughty or nice? Santa Maul will decide.
Trailer: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Video: ESB’s asteroid field scene, storyboarded
Are we done with trailers? Today’s retro video shows the asteroid field scene from Empire along with the original storyboard. Probably needs blowing up, though.
Video: 1982 Return of the Jedi trailer, more Muren
Unlike the first one, this trailer does indeed use the film’s final title.
And here’s Dennis Muren on thoughtful effects:
Episode VII: Abrams says new release date is a “huge improvement”
Interviews. The December release date is “an infinitely better situation” and a “huge improvement” J.J. Abrams tells MTV’s Josh Horowitz. When asked if the Artoo casting means C-3P0: “They have different agents.” He also talked about London and Kasdan with Total Film.
Casting. The Hollywood Reporter spun something out about big movies that are casting at the moment. They mention the ‘Rachel’ and ‘Thomas’ roles, but also “a 40-something military man a la Matt Damon in Elysium.” Comparing the role to Damon is new, but we heard about the part way back in the original June casting breakdown.
Video. Fan-created trailer The Apprentice.
Video: Dennis Muren on ROTJ’s effects
The retro interviews move on from Lucas to Dennis Muren, who talks about the challenges of the Return of the Jedi VFX.
Video: A New Hope ’81 re-release trailer
For sure this time!
Video: George Lucas on writing Star Wars
In this weekend’s vintage video, George talks about his decisions regarding Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca and the Ewoks.