The Force Awakens teaser trailer is here!

It’s live! It’s also now up on the official Youtube, as seen above.

Want to dig deeper? I recommend the shot-for-shot posts from io9, Making Star Wars and /Film. They all discuss some of the rumors we’ve heard, and how they apply to what’s been revealed today. And there’s some immediate reaction over at Eleven-ThirtyEight and Tosche Station.

The biggest – or at least most questioned mystery of the the teaser – who’s that in the voiceover? Popular theories thrown out today include Andy Serkis, Max von Sydow, and the rumor that refuses to die: Benedict Cumberbatch. According Drew McWeeney at Hitfix, it is indeed Serkis, who is “playing a pivotal role in the film, although he will not have a lot of screen time.”

On the fence about Celebration Anaheim?

It may not be the ‘trailer’ we’re waiting for – this Celebration Anaheim video won’t tell you anything you don’t already know. But it will make you really want to go to Celebration. Most of the footage seems to come from Celebration Europe in Germany and Celebration VI in Orlando.

News? Well, there’s the artist list, which includes plenty of familiar names.