LEGOLAND California brings out the fun for the holidays

While winter brings the cold across much of the U.S., southern California stays snow-free near the coast – except at LEGOLAND California in Carlsbad. The theme park puts on its annual winter celebration, Holiday Snow Days and Winter Nights, and Baby Jawa, Grandma Jawa and I got the opportunity to check it out. This was a big treat for baby girl as it was her first time in the snow! Plus we got a chance to see Star Wars miniland and the rest of the park.

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Video: Unboxing ‘Stealth Strike’, Lando comics & Rebels Super Solve It


On Unboxing Star Wars this week, Yowie, Baby Jawa, and I take a look at this week’s Star Wars Rebels episode, ‘Stealth Strike.’ I also review the Lando five issue comic series that was released this past summer and fall from Marvel, and also take a look at one of the best Star Wars activity books to come out in a long while, Rebels Super Solve It. Plus we find some fruit with a connection to The Force Awakens?

Get more details on the Rebels episode ‘Stealth Strike’, Marvel’s Lando series by Charles Soule and Alex Maleev, Star Wars Rebels: Super Solve It by Dan Wallace.

Don’t forget that the Yavin Toys R Us Epic Battles medal will be distributed next weekend, December 4th and 5th, when you bring your certificate.

Videos: Highlights of J.J. Abrams, The Force Awakens cast on Jimmy Kimmel Live


Last night’s The Force Awakens episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live was short on actual news, but at least our folks were somewhat charming. Below the cut, J.J. Abrams reveals the first word of the movie, Harrison Ford and Chewbacca settle their long-time feud, and Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are defeated in Star Wars trivia by a 7-year-old, because of course.

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The Force Awakens at the American Music Awards

First we got a new commercial, above, with a few brief bits of new footage. Much later, there was indeed a “new scene” – but one we’ve already seen most of in the trailers, Rey, Finn and BB-8 on the run:


Just with dialogue this time. Then, sure enough, Harrison Ford introduced Pentatonix’s tribute to John Williams. Here’s the whole Star Wars portion of the show:

Video: Unboxing ‘Blood Sisters’, TRU medal, and Howard Chaykin’s Marvel comic art

Unboxing Star Wars 11/21/15 Chewie with medal

On Unboxing Star Wars his week, Yowie, Baby Jawa, and I hit the road to pick up a Toys R Us Epic Battles medal and award it to a deserving Rebel. Then I review this week’s episode of Star Wars Rebels: ‘Blood Sisters’, and we get a glimpse at the new exhibition of Howard Chaykin’s original comic art for the 1977 Marvel Star Wars comic adaptation. Plus we do a little bit on the #DrawWars2015 art project.

The Chaykin exhibition at the San Diego Comic Art Gallery runs from now until January 31.

The next Toys R Us Epic Battles medal will be distributed on December 4th and 5th and will be for Yavin, and will feature Darth Vader. You can earn the certificate by playing a little Where’s Waldo type game.