Video Monday

Me or Jack? Lost: The Final Episode from the Consumer Electronics Show. You’ll LOL. Promise. Also: Lost Rhapsody 2: Electric Boogaloo.

The Supernatural Menace. The kids (or is it the slashers?) love Supernatural. So naturally there’s a crossover. Amusing, even to someone who still thinks of the one-who-is-not-Dean as Dean.

Sneak peek at the Ryan vs. Dorkman sequel, complete with talking heads. Oh, fanboys!

I may have blogged a few of Evan Mather’s Kenner vids before, but here’s few more – Quentin Tarantino’s Star Wars, Godzilla Versus Disco Lando, Kung Fu Kenobi’s Big Adventure, Les Pantless Menace.


Video Monday

Rose Bowl Highlights from, with a lot of footage you won’t see elsewhere, including Mary’s serenade. Also from Pasadena, The Troopers on the Bus and Disco Steve, (not Sansweet) who appears to be… I don’t know.

All the stuff I didn’t link last week

Video Monday

Barbershop quartet Crackerjack Junctions sings the Ewok Celebration Song. Are those the real lyrics? I guess now we know why the Ewoks fired their lyricist.

There are Klingons in the White House! I think this is one incident where we can put aside our political differences and shake our heads in one collective “what the hell?”

Kiwi is an animation from Dony Permedi. It really is adorable. In sort of a sad way. You’ll see.

See the R2-D2 projector in action.

AT-AT: All Artoo, all the time!

Mary Gets Serenaded

It’s a rare thing for us to see Mary Franklin flustered.

It only lasts a few minutes, but you can see her just a wee bit flumoxed as she is serenaded by some very talented members of the Grambling State Band, as seen in this video.

She, of course, gets over it quickly and appears to be quite enjoying it. Lucky Mary!

Thanks to Jimmy from GA501st for the tip that this was finally posted.

Video Monday

Tonight, on Baltar’s Basestar… the Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Gag Reel. Waaaatttccch iiitttt. (Warning: Language above and beyond ‘frak’.)

Two more Star Wars PSAs: Candy Wagon and Podracers.

Rose Parade humor: Stormtrooper gets dressed down by drill instructor, Jimmy Kimmel mocks.

Yoda Spears. I… I… I don’t know. But it’s brilliant anyway.

Dancing stormtrooper action