An hour interview with the Maker on The Charlie Rose Show – looks to be from around the time of the THX-1138 DVD release in fall 2004. (Thanks, Stooge!)
Video du jour: Deader than Alderaan
A stand-up comic at Jabba’s Palace? There’s no way that could end well. Some language. (via James)
Video du Jour: Macbook attack
The Ultimate Mac vs PC Battle. I hate to say it, but does Vista’s obvious passivity make it the Jedi? (via TFN)
Video du jour: First!
If business meetings were like the internet. Warning: Crudeness, language, random spamming.
Video du jour: Chad sings!
Chad Vader covers Chocolate Rain. (Apparently a hip thing to do these days.) Oh, the humanity!
Video du Jour: When film critics attack!
Gene Siskel and Robert Ebert debate John Simon on the merits of Star Wars in 1983. I’d sure hate to have been Simon’s kid… (via)
TFU in High-Def
Gamers, GFFA detail aficionados, morning-addled fans looking for something pretty and brainless that goes boom, here’s a little something for you: The Force Unleashed trailer in HD.
The Battle Of Royal Victoria Bridge
More CE video!
- Mark Hamill introduces Ian McDiamid, or rather some clips of McDiarmid; the the Emperor himself introduces A New Hope.
- Fans reenact the Mustafar duel.
- Keep an eye on Youtube for more!
Video du Jour: Scream like a girl!
Billy Dee Williams on Scrubs. (Thanks, Jello!)