Star Wars Weekends gets super-sized for 2014, but the Hyperspace Hoopla is no more

WDW-StarWarsWeekends-2014-posterTime to start planning your summer vacation around Star Wars! Walt Disney World has announced the 2014 schedule of Star Wars Weekends, including the expansion to a fifth weekend and the addition of nightly fireworks.

Held at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Star Wars Weekends (each Fri-Sun from mid-May to mid-June) will be hosted by fan favorite voice actor James Arnold Taylor. This year’s theme, “Join the Rebellion,” looks to loosely tie into the launch of Rebels.

Sadly, Dunc’s favorite part of Star Wars Weekends will not be returning – the Hyperspace Hoopla show has been retired. The Star Wars dance-off stage show has done its last boogie and will be replaced with new shows and the Symphony in the Stars fireworks show. No word yet on whether Disney World will be doing a May the 4th event.

Planning out the rest of your travel itinerary?

Rumor: Star Wars makeover of Tomorrowland greenlit but on hold

vader-kingarthurAs we’ve been reporting, the makeover of Disneyland’s Tomorrowland with a new Star Wars spaceport feel has another step forward, but only a small step. MiceAge, which has been the primary source of Disneyland expansion rumors, has reported that the “first phase of the Star Wars makeover of Tomorrowland did get the green light from Burbank in December.”

However, they go on to report that the first phase, of re-doing the front half of the Anaheim’s Tomorrowland area as a Star Wars-themed spaceport, as well as the second phase of creating a bunch of new attractions for a Star Wars land, might be on hold due to funding, and that on-hold state has allowed the design team to switch from just original trilogy elements to incorporating things from Episode VII:

The Imagineers assigned to the Star Wars Tomorrowland project have now been debriefed on the characters and plotlines coming for Star Wars Episode VII that opens in theaters in about two years. …. Those key [original trilogy based] attractions are all still part of phase two, but they are being layered or tweaked to include references from Episode VII that will be released in theaters at least 18 months before any of those attractions open.

As for bringing more Star Wars to Orlando? The word is that it “appears to be simply cancelled for Disney’s Hollywood Studios.”

With Episode VII scheduled to open December 2015, that “at least 18 month” timeframe puts into June 2017 or later.

Darth Vader despoils Disney holiday parade, not in the good way

It has come to Santa Maul’s attention that Darth Vader, that pan-fried brute, is now being used in place of Santa Claus at Disney World. Santa Maul supposes this is to be expected, as nothing says plebeian like Disney, but he finds the use of a wishy-washy Sith like Vader to be an afront to the very nature of Sithmas. And there probably wasn’t even any violence to liven things up!

Santa Maul has reported the incident to his master, Darth Sinterklaas. He expects vengeance will be swift.

Rumors: More on Disneyland’s Star Wars hold, The Clone Wars, and spinoffs

vader-kingarthurDisney Parks. has a source that disagrees with the earlier MiceChat report that Disneyland’s Star Wars plans were put on hold due to budget concerns. While there is a hold, they say that it’s due to Episode VII. “They didn’t want to build attractions/a land without including the new movies,” the source says. “So since the teams don’t have a final script they can’t add anything from the new movies.”

Rumors. In their latest Q&A, Jedi News and Jedi Master SQL discusses The Clone Wars and spin-off films. For Clone Wars he echos the earlier reports out of Poland, but adds that they will be “non-sequential episodes.” The iOS app may no longer be in the picture, but there will be an “online digital distribution model” that will include far more than just TV episodes (“films, books, comics, and online web content.”) As for the first standalone, he doesn’t see how they can get it out for 2016, but we may hear about the director and producer as early as next week. He’s also still stuck on Benedict Cumberbatch.

No. This doesn’t seem to have much traction yet aside from some random folks on Twitter and Tumblr, but beware folks using Cédric Delsaux’s ‘The Falcon’s Hiding Place’ as being the Episode VII Falcon. The original image (third from the right on the second to last row of Delsaux’s official gallery) was taken in Dubai in 2009.

Rumors: Disneyland’s Star Wars plans on hold?

Vader at Disneyland. Or Disney World? I can't tell. MiceAge has been a primary source for all the rumors of Star Wars attractions in the works for the Disney parks, particularly Disneyland, but their latest dispatch is troubling. Problems with over-budget infrastructure implementations have placed almost all Imagineering projects on hold – or canceled. Here’s the part that pertains to Star Wars:

Originally the plan to add Star Wars to Tomorrowland was going to be divided into two phases; a first phase involving some placemaking and a replacement for Captain EO to be finished prior to the 60th Anniversary, and a second phase kicking off in late 2015. The second phase included the Speeder Bike E Ticket ride, Ewok village and forest where Autopia currently is, a Millenium Falcon walk-thru where the PeopleMover platform is, tearing out the decaying PeopleMover tracks and moving the Astro Orbiter up on top of the Space Mountain concourse, and turning Tomorrowland Terrace into an interactive Tatooine Cantina restaurant show. All of that is now on hold indefinitely. Although Anaheim gets off a bit easier with its Star Wars plan on hold, as the plans for many of these Star Wars elements coming to Disney Hollywood Studios in WDW have just been cancelled outright.

None of this has been officially announced, of course, and it might be bunk for all we know… But this doesn’t give us much hope that for expanded Star Wars features at Disneyland in time for the next Celebration.

Roundup: Bob Iger on Episode VII release date, Star Wars in the Disney parks

Bob Iger (Bloomberg TV)Video. Bob Iger talks to Bloomberg TV about choosing Episode VII’s release date and confirms (again) that Disney is developing Star Wars attractions for their parks.

Meanwhile, J.J. Abrams and Neil Gaiman were on BBC Newsnight with author Doug Dorst to talk about their book S, and, eventually, Star Wars and casting. (13:00 mark.)

Cartoon. Disney XD has a site up for Rebels. (via)

Wow. Yeah, The Wrap really did go ask Disney about the Twentieth Century Fox fanfare and Episode VII. Hard hitting.

Countdown. How many days until Episode VII? (via)

Rumors: Millennium Falcon to land at Disneyland?

Hyperspace falcon MiceChat is back with some new rumors for the still unannounced but very likely Star Wars renovations at Disneyland, which they’ve previously reported will be taking over Tomorrowland there.

Their report today includes a landing pad the Millennium Falcon “an elaborate walk-through attraction and meet ‘n greet location for your favorite Wookie co-pilot,” a Cantina, and… a “new Speeder Bike thrill ride” with an Ewok-centric area surrounding it. You Disney aficionados head to the link for the specifics of what these’ll be replacing and repurposing.

Plenty of Star Wars hints from Pablo at D23

d23-vaderThere may not have been big Star Wars movie news at the D23 Expo, but Pablo Hidalgo did drop some interesting hints regarding some other upcoming projects.

As Slashfilm points out, Pablo hinted that the Jedi legacy “casts a long shadow” and “you will feel that presence” on Rebels, and that (as the rumors claim) the Orange Harvest bounty may make it to Disneyland first.

He also said that there’s more Clone Wars bonus footage than we think, and “they’re close to pushing it out,” and “thinking out of the box” about distribution. We may not have seen the last of Detours, either. And for those who are particularly old school:

Disney teases Star Wars attraction(s) at D23

Well, what do we have here? It’s a series of ‘Orange Harvest’ (nuk nuk) crates labeled as containing (or previously containing) various items from the Star Wars galaxy. And… There are blueprints. Will we be getting some kind of theme park announcement after all, or is this it? Patience!

More pictures at Inside the Magic.

Get a closer look at the blueprints under the cut.

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