Lucasfilm denies rumor that J.J. Abrams is leaving Episode VII

J. J. Abrams on the set of Star TrekUPDATE: Lucasfilm has denied the report. “There is no truth to the rumor,” a company spokesman told TheForce.Net. “JJ is having a great time working on the script and is looking forward to going into production next year.” Our original post is below.

Badass Digest is reporting that J.J. Abrams may be dropping out of Episode VII. They write:

…Why is it that I keep hearing tons of rumors that JJ Abrams is on the verge of dropping out of Star Wars? This has been something I’ve heard for a while now, and from multiple insiders. I know that he didn’t want to shoot the movie in England and was overruled, but that happened a while ago. This weekend at Comic Con I continued to hear these whispers. No director for Trek 3 has been found yet – might Abrams end up coming back after all, leaving Star Wars to someone else?

Big Shiny Robot is doubtful and so am I… After all, wouldn’t arrangements to film in England have already been in the works when he was signing on? Wouldn’t it have been a topic of discussion before he signed on the dotted line?

This could be nothing more than runaway fanboy paranoia at work, and it would be a big, public hit for Bad Robot, whether last week’s red scripts are Star Wars or not. But I do agree we should wait and see what comes out of Celebration Europe.

“We want this to happen.” Mark Hamill talks SDCC, Episode VII

Mark Hamill at SDCC in 1976Mark Hamill my not be making an official appearance at San Diego Comic-Con – hell, he can’t even visit without being recognized – but he was happy to chat about it (and Star Wars, natch) with The Hollywood Reporter.

As for Episode VII? Well, we’re still waiting on an official announcement, but:

Hamill’s hopes are high for the Star Wars: Episode VII reunion: “We want this to happen. How could I not take this ride? They’re making all the right moves, like Michael Arndt as the writer. Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3 — he writes humor and he writes heart. I’m not someone who looks to recapture the glory of when I was in my 20s. I think it’ll probably be about the next generation. We’ll be the link to the past, but the kids will be doing the heavy lifting. And the Wookiee will have a walker.”

Hamill is up for it, even if he’s no longer the teenage Luke. “Am I the age Sir Alec [Guinness] was in 1977? I don’t want to do the math.” (He’s 61; Guinness was 63.) He also hopes one day to find the shirt he wore to a 1976 convention: “It’s a collectible; it would’ve shot up in value.”

Hamill and Carrie Fisher will be appearing next week at Celebration Europe in Germany. Lucasfilm has denied that they’ll be making any Episode VII announcements in San Diego.

Is this the script for Episode VII?

Bad Robot's Mystery script

The official Bad Robot account tweeted the above picture earlier this evening, with this text:

Hot off the presses. Can you guess what's behind the cover? #FoundAtBR #MysteryScript

Is it Episode VII? Could be. After all, what other projects that Bad Robot is working on are hotly anticipated enough for people to get excited about a script being done? I’m pretty sure that the next Star Trek isn’t that far along yet, but maybe one of their TV shows? (Pretty thick for a TV script.) Cloverfield 2?

Okay, okay, it’s probably Episode VII. Now let’s see if they admit anything further.

Stand down: No Episode VII at San Diego Comic-Con

Dark Horse booth at SDCC 2012There will be plenty of Star Wars at SDCC with Course of the Force, a huge floor presence and licensee panels, but there will be “no Episode VII content,” said last night. Cross your fingers for Celebration Europe and the D23 Expo.

Del Rey, Dark Horse and Hasbro will be holding Star Wars panels at SDCC on Friday, while Her Universe has one on Saturday. Del Rey released their signing schedule today while Dark Horse Comics posted their signing schedule yesterday.

Rumor: Star Wars actors at D23 for Episode VII?

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.In The Hollywood Reporter’s article on Star Wars at the D23 Expo, they have “insiders” claiming that “some Star Wars actors – presumably familiar faces – may appear at D23 to confirm their involvement in Episode VII. (via)

Disney announced yesterday that Star Wars would be featured at the Expo.

Of course, several of the rumored alumni will be appearing at Celebration Europe. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Anthony Daniels, plus Lucasfilm head honcho Kathleen Kennedy, will all be in Germany, so any confirmations or announcements may come out of that convention first. But, either way, it seems likely that D23 will see some Episode VII action as well.

Roundup: Will Episode VII help diversify Star Wars?

The prequels didn't do too badly with background characters - will the sequels move diversity to the forefront?The blogside. It’s a hot button issue in many fandoms right now – just ask anyone hanging around Game of Thrones lately – and Bria at Tosche Station explains on why it’s important to have diversity in Star Wars.

Oh, Carrie! Carrie Fisher shares some ideas for Episode VII. They are very… Carrie.

Who wants in now? Star Wars alumni Warwick Davis, Samuel L. Jackson and Ray Park. Spinoffs for everyone?

Disney business. Bob Iger will remain at the helm of Disney through at least 2016. And with The Lone Ranger’s opening-weekend belly flop, Disney has plenty of reasons to be thankful for their recent acquisitions. One expert expects Disney to net about $733M for 2015’s Episode VII alone.

Harrison Ford returning to SDCC… For Ender’s Game

Ender's Game

Harrison Ford infamously made his San Diego Comic Con debut for Cowboys and Aliens back in 2010… And he’ll be returning this year to promote Ender’s Game.

I wouldn’t necessarily count on any Episode VII announcements regarding Ford and the other all-but-confirmed returning actors, as they may still be negotiating and we’ve heard nothing about any Star Wars panels yet… Plus Celebration Europe is the very next week, so Lucasfilm may chose to take advantage of the post-SDCC lull and reveal any big news in Germany instead.

Lucasfilm doesn’t show up in the SDCC exhibitor list, but the so-called Del Rey/Lucasbooks booth (#2913) looks a little too big to be just a single licensee on the map… Where it shows a giant Lucasfilm logo. Data entry mixup? In any case, hopefully they leave the snakes at home this year.

Dominic Monaghan up for an Episode VII role?

Dominic Monaghan as Charlie on Lost

Will Star Wars be gaining an ex-hobbit for Episode VII? Bleeding Cool thinks they might be. They point to some potentially suspicious behavior from Dominic Monaghan at The Lone Ranger premiere, and note he could be a good fit for the thirtysomething intellectual role in last week’s casting call.

Naturally he’s a big Star Wars fan (who isn’t?) but Monaghan may have an in with the Bad Robot team from his days playing Charlie Pace, one of the original castaways on Lost. He’s also known for playing Merry in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings.

It’s only speculation, of course, but I can see where they’re coming from… Particularly if the role turns out to be a supporting one. Look, I generally hate this kind of thing, but the idea of Monaghan in Star Wars does not make me immediately say ‘nope,’ and that a rare thing.

As for other actors who’d like a go at Episode VII, Totalfilm has released a third edition of their video series.

Rumor: Is May 29, 2015 Episode VII’s release date?

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.The date was also part of an earlier rumor, but Cosmic Book News claims that a second source has collaborated the date.

A May 29 release does put a few weeks time between the release of Episode VII and The Avengers 2, which is currently set for May 1 that year. And other studios are certainly planning like that’s the case, although a May release date for a Star Wars movie is always a pretty safe assumption.

While we’re on the topic of The Avengers sequels, Marvel confirmed yesterday that Robert Downey Jr. will be back as Tony Stark for The Avengers 2 and 3, and they took a page from Lucasfilm’s book to do it.