Today in The Force Awakens: Costume concepts, books and more

tfa-concept-poehelmetOver at IGN, an interview with costume designer Michael Kaplan, and how the looks evolved for characters both old and new.

→ Our own James interviews Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens author Landry Q. Walker at, while comic writer Charles Soule talks to about Poe Dameron #1. Soule also did a guest post for

→ We all heard about Force for Daniel, but Lucasfilm and J.J. Abrams showed the movie to dozens of terminally ill fans.

Vulture takes a look at who’ll buy physical copies of The Force Awakens. I’m guessing… A lot of people? They also look back at the box office.

→ A look at how Rey’s isolation is framed in the film.

→ also presents their list of the ten best The Force Awakens moments.

Today in The Force Awakens: Everybody dance now

From the Target special features (via Entertainment Tonight), John Boyega and Daisy Ridley rapping. Also, dancing! (There are GIFs on Tumblr, of course.)

→ The Facebook live chat with Daisy Ridley this morning went well. (Problems with Facebook? There’s a copy on on Youtube.)

→ J.J. Abrams talks to Entertainment Weekly about Mark Hamill and the table read.

→ Neal Scanlan talks to IGN about Snoke, while concept artist Doug Chiang is at Yahoo discussing technology, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber and Starkiller Base. boyega-ridley-rap

Star Wars out this week: The Force Awakens on Blu-ray, Poe Dameron #1 and more

There’s a lot this week, first and foremost The Force Awakens on Blu-ray Tuesday. There’s also a number of book for young readers, namely Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, Landry Q. Walker’s Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens and Elizabeth Schaefer’s The Force Awakens Storybook.

Comic fans will have reasons to shop as well, as Marvel drops Poe Dameron #1 on Wednesday.

This weekend in The Force Awakens: Kylo’s parental issues


While everyone spent the weekend watching the movie, except those of us actually bothering to wait for the Blu-ray… (WHY.) Here’s another clip from ‘Secrets of The Force Awakens featuring Adam Driver and J.J. Abrams on Kylo Ren and his relationship with his parents.

→ There’s now an official 3D video of the Millennium Falcon cockpit.

→ Neal Scanlan talks creatures (and Maz Kanata) with IGN.

io9 lists “new” things learned from The Force Awakens extras.

Rebelscum has a picture of a rather impressive display for Tuesday’s Blu-ray display at a Toys R Us Walmart.

Highlights of Star Wars April Fools: We’re all mad here

viii-tweets-mh-aprilfoolApril Fools was not particularly fruitful for Star Wars fans this year, but there were a few highlights. The champion’s crown goes to Mark Hamill, who led fans on about an Episode VIII “plot point” in his quest for a “#HAMILLION followers.” Whatever, it was dad joke adorable. See the collected tweets.

Also on Twitter, Charles de Lauzirika faked up a shockingly on-brand cover for a big J.W. Rinzler The Making of the Star Wars Holiday Special, which we all almost wish was real.

Then there’s, which played it almost straight with a nice Han Solo obituary.

I can’t say I’m particularly enthralled with it, but IGN got a lot of play for their fanboy-baiting trailer for Star Wars: Fury of Maul.

And yes, Club Hux was indeed a joke. (It started on Twitter, and was so well-received I took it to Tumblr and Facebook as well. Sorry about anyone who saw it on all three.) So yes, we will remain Club Jade, and the fic archive won’t be reopening for Kylux. Anyone who fell for it can expect a visit from Millicent.