Lucasfilm and Entertainment Weekly have paired up to give us character names from The Force Awakens – in trading card form. Daisy Ridley is Rey, John Boyega is Finn and Oscar Isaac plays Poe Dameron. The ball droid is BB-8 (which I’m guessing is pronounced/abbreviated as ‘Bebe,’) and our mysterious villain is Kylo Ren. The card numbers have some significance as well – a mystery to chew on… In addition to Finn and Rey’s last names.
This also puts to bed a popular theory that Gwendoline Christie could be playing the character we now know as Kylo Ren, referring to “his lightsaber.”
→ Variety hosted a Bob Iger Q&A today, where the Disney chief revealed that theme park plans for the franchise will be based mainly on things from the upcoming films. “I didn’t want someone to say, ‘I just saw the movie and there’s nothing in that movie in this (attraction),” he said. “We waited to see what this film would have in it.”
He also revealed that they debated whether to release an early trailer at all, and that J.J. Abrams’ use of physical sets and props have given the film a “wow factor.”
→ Andy Serkis says that his trailer speech “emotionally rooted” his character – go ahead and add that one to your speculation file.
→ George Lucas hasn’t seen The Force Awakens trailer yet, Page Six reports this morning. “I don’t know anything about it. I haven’t seen it yet,” he said. “Because it’s not in the movie theater. I like going to the movies and watching the whole thing there.”
→ On the other hand… “I got really excited when I saw the trailer the other week,” Domhnall Gleeson said recently. “I am a fan. I saw the prequels before I saw the first ones. I am very excited about it.”
→ Did J.J. Abrams start a trend? The first picture from the new James Bond film sure looks familiar. (This is where some film geek comes in the comments and tells me every film that’s tweeted a clapper picture since 2008, right?)
→ In addition to this morning’s Andy Serkis rumor, we have Da7e at Latino Review looking at the 4chan stuff, and pulling stuff out of them that he actually thinks are true/interesting. (I get a strong whiff of too much endless-message-board-debate about his lightsaber opinions, though.)
→ For the Tumblr folks, I put together a Star Wars Stylebook entry on how stormtroopers aren’t clones, since there’s been a lot of confusion on that front lately.
“What’s great about it is, it’s like, ‘Are you a racist? Here’s a perfect way of revealing that to everyone!’ [Laughs] What I loved about the trailer too is, like, the giant middle finger of the first thing you see, right off the bat: John’s face — BAM! So it is, yeah, ‘Just deal with it.'”
Adding, “ultimately, it’s not even about race at all. It’s about a story, and it’s about these characters. [Boyega’s] a great actor, and he’s so good in this movie. And, you know, why not? But what’s great about it too, even more so, is that the huge majority have come out so vocally, the people that are real, true fans in support. [Laughs] They come out and defend it and make themselves heard. They really drowned out that negativity pretty quickly. I think that was really wonderful, to see that.”
How much dumb luck do you think it was that he happened to be on the publicity circuit for A Most Violent Year just as the trailer hit?
→ Andy Serkis calls the reaction to the trailer “extraordinary.”
→ Did The Force Awakens trailer inspire George R.R. Martin? Will The Winds of Winter really be out in 2015? Who actually expects a gossip blog to have a ‘source’ on George R.R. Martin in the first place? What times we live in.
→ ANH set decorator Roger Christian, who came up with the first lightsaber, thinks the broadsaber is “an older laser sword.” He says that while it doesn’t seem to be practical, “there has to be a reason,” and that J.J. Abrams “would have considered every visual in this first teaser.” I think it’s just as well that we’re seeing it so early – it gives fandom time to get used to the idea. (Though of course, complainers are going to complain regardless.)
→ The Force Awakens got a ton of attention on Facebook – 16.7 million from 8.4 million unique users. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
→ Rumor Time: Brandon Rhea at Fanpedia has a bit on Han and Leia’s roles in the film.
→ And finally, the 4chan/Reddit “Spoiler Man” is back with a third and presumably final installment. Here’s a non-spoilery tidbit: “Han does not have any Force-sensitivity.” Really. (Are they rumoring from 1981? Is Han “the another?!?”) There are also “script” pages with dialogue that makes “I don’t like sand” look like Shakespeare, though to their credit even Reddit is calling BS on them.
→ Oscar Isaac talks about The Force Awakens trailer to MTV’s Josh Horowitz. No reveals of course, but I’m sure it’s a relief to have SOMETHING out there.
→ On that note, Making Star Wars has the reasoning behind certain large objects we saw in certain leaked photos several months back. (…If only they’d been in the trailer…) Also, when does Oscar Isaac’s character come in? If you’ve been following the rumors, this answer may surprise you…