Hasbro solicits The Force Awakens toys, but they won’t be bringing any to Toy Fair

the-force-awakensLast night brought Rebelscum with a listing of The Force Awakens toys that are currently being solicited. Hasbro has covered their tracks pretty well as far as Episode VII information – most everything is ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ and such – but Making Star Wars has some analysis. There is a remote control droid that I fervently hope is BB-8, because who doesn’t want that?

(And don’t forget, spoilerphobes, that we may have already seen a Black Series leak.)

In any case, don’t expect to see these toys legitimately at the upcoming Toy Fair in New York – Hasbro sent out a press release that they won’t be showing any of their The Force Awakens stuff. Pity, because certainly they have something that only ‘reveals’ the same things we saw in the trailer? Like, say, a remote controlled BB-8? An X-wing? Rey and her speeder? Perhaps they’re saving those sort of reveals for Celebration or SDCC?

Today in The Force Awakens: Oscar Isaac doesn’t think ‘leaks’ have ruined much

tfa-ss-isaac327→ In an interview with Yahoo, Oscar Isaac talks about the security surrounding the production, and says that the fan theories “couldn’t be more far off-base.” Given that most of what we have is concept art and not necessarily indicative of the finished product? Yeah, probably.

→ Speaking of… Today Making Star Wars has TIE fighters and how the pilots board them.

→ The Telegraph looks into ILM in London.

→ Yesterday’s hot topic was that Warwick Davis saying he’s “excited by” the “chance to see members of the old cast in the poster,” which was (naturally) taken as a hint that we would see the alumni on the poster. Seeing as Davis himself clearly hasn’t seen it yet, that assumption seems a bit jumpy, but that’s the internet for you.

The big picture: Bob Iger and the Millennium Falcon


Fortune has a photo of Bob Iger with The Force Awaken’s Millennium Falcon, courtesy Industrial Light & Magic:

Yannick Dusseault, visual effects art director for The Force Awakens, and his team gave Fortune six options showing the Falcon in different ways. The resulting image required the custom rendering of ILM’s computer generated Falcon. According to ILM, the fabled ship was rendered in wireframe form (a skeletal version) as well as a more layered “textured render,” which were combined in Photoshop to create the final image.

Iger is the magazine’s latest cover story, one focusing on Disney and technology.

Today in The Force Awakens: You’ll shoot your eye out, kid

wicked-broadsaber→ Of course there’s a 3-way ‘crossguard’ from the real-life Wicked Lasers. (Who we first heard from way back in the day.) Of course. (via)

→ J.C. Chandor, who directed A Most Violent Year, talks about keeping Oscar Isaac’s X-wing secret with Screencrush.

→ At the Huffington Post, Domhnall Gleeson talks about losing weight for Unbroken – and seeing The Force Awakens trailer.

Market Saw has what they claim to be the ‘final iterations’ of concept art for Han Solo and Chewbacca. Funny how with the rushing river of concept art leaks the only stuff we ever see regarding original trilogy alumni is the terribly predictable Han and Chewie stuff.

Something Awful has ‘discovered’ more trading cards for The Force Awakens. It’s all very nonsensical, but hey: It’s Something Awful.

Rumors: Helmets, Darths and other The Force Awakens theories

spoilers-swirl-bespin2Making Star Wars isn’t done yet, and in response to yesterday’s apparent reveal of Kylo Ren’s helmet, Jason takes a look at various peices of concept art and speculates as to what they may mean for the character – or some character, anyway – and how they may or may not connect to our previous villains. This draws on a few things we’ve seen and heard before, so experienced spoiler hounds only.