Today in The Force Awakens: Signed cast pic auctioned for charity

adam_driver_star_wars_signed_photo_ifonly_714x470You can bid on an autographed copy of The Force Awakens table read photo to help raises funds for Arts in the Armed Forces. Donated by Adam Driver, the picture is signed by him, J.J. Abrams and most of the cast. (Including some not in the picture.) The winner also gets a private tour of Lucasfilm and ILM.

→ In rumorville, aka Making Star Wars, we have a Millenium Falcon itinerary and the details of one scene from it.

On Star Wars spoilers, and how I treat them


I’ve avoided saying much about my spoiler policy here on Club Jade, mainly because I firmly believe in taking these things on a case-by-case basis. But there is one hard fact here: I will not treat officially released material as spoilers.

That doesn’t mean I’ll spoil something that’s in The Force Awakens novelization or art book, on the chance they come out before the film does. But any officially released publicity material is fair game. That means trailers, commercials, press releases and anything else that Lucasfilm very clearly wants people to know.

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Today in The Force Awakens: A young who?

spoilers-swirl-bbwarwickGiven that Making Star Wars has heard about a flashback sequence, of course there’s an actor who may be playing a younger version of one of our alumni. They also have some drawings based on their earlier costume descriptions for Leia and Han.

For the spoiler-free, there’s J.J. Abrams saying there’s “an abundance of riches” from the film that they’re making “as good as it could be.” So basically, don’t expect much before Celebration, which, yeah.

And, back to spoilers, Full of Sith’s Bobby Roberts has a new Rumor Control episode.

So how much Hamill is there in The Force Awakens?

spoilers-swirl-muppetSince we just found out that Mark Hamill will be at Celebration, it seems appropriate that Jason at Making Star Wars is talking about Luke Skywalker’s role in the film today. Naturally, this is pretty spoilery stuff that references that last big spoiler, so you know the drill.

If you’d rather not, Mike Ryan has a nice piece about being into spoilers that contains no actual spoilers. Well, not for any movie that’s not already been out for years, anyway.

J.J. Abrams addresses The Force Awakens rumors, secrecy

J.J. Abrams on The Tavis Smiley ShowAt the the Irish Oscar Wilde awards – which honored Carrie Fisher – The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams had a less harsh take on the rumors than one might expect. From the BBC:

Asked about the secrecy surrounding the script, Abrams added: “We did the best we can to preserve the story for the audience, but it doesn’t always work.

“There are a ton of rumours – some true, some false. But I’m grateful for everyone who would want to read a spoiler because it means that they care and want to see the movie.

“I know what it feels like, as an enormous Star Wars fan myself.”

Stephen Fry presented Fisher with her award.

The Force Awakens concept art book on sale in November?

rumors-swirl-romance Florian of Jedi Bibliothek (translated) found a listing for The Art of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens on with a release date of November 2 – well ahead of the film’s release on December 18. Will that date hold? Well, it is Amazon, so: A not-at-all-firm maybe.

He also notes that the entries for most of the Journey to Episode VII series for young readers have been deleted, though the one that seems to feature new/original characters remains.

→ Spoiler corner: We also have two new rumors from Making Star Wars. There’s a rundown of the opening sequences, plus furthur details on some potential (or not?) offspring. On that note, Donna Dickens at Hitfix defends “Luke Skywalker’s right to get laid,” and I am totally jealous I did not think of that headline.

Spoilerphobes beware: A heartbreaking The Force Awakens rumor

spoilers-swirl-bespin2Jason has a lot of trust in his source on this report, but it’s a big one. I don’t think this is the biggest (possible) spoiler out there by any means (though consider how our last ‘big spoiler’ fizzled with additional leaks/information) but it’s still a pretty big thing if it’s true, and extremely probable.

So, consider yourself warned. Still want it? Head to Making Star Wars for even more warnings.

Catching up with The Force Awakens: Greg Grunberg’s role may be more than a cameo

alias-greg-grunbergGreg Grunberg may have more than a mere cameo in The Force Awakens. He told E! that he was in London for six weeks, and from his description it sounds like he was involved with the Greenham Common shoot.

→ Making Star Wars has a costume analysis of the main cast and a big dump of pretty iffy rumors.

→ A speeder similar to the one Rey rides in the trailer was found in the depths of The Old Republic.

→ The president of design at Apple had a conversation with J.J. Abrams about lightsabers that may have influenced the broadsaber.

→ In corporate moves, ILM president and general manager Lynwen Brennan has been promoted to general manager of Lucasfilm itself.