Videos: Highlights of J.J. Abrams, The Force Awakens cast on Jimmy Kimmel Live


Last night’s The Force Awakens episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live was short on actual news, but at least our folks were somewhat charming. Below the cut, J.J. Abrams reveals the first word of the movie, Harrison Ford and Chewbacca settle their long-time feud, and Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are defeated in Star Wars trivia by a 7-year-old, because of course.

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Today in The Force Awakens: Googlification, interviews with Fisher and Kaplan

google-tfaEven Google is getting in on the action, debuting Also coming on December 2 is a Google Cardboard Virtual Reality “experience” that will be available through the official Star Wars app.

→ In a new interview with Time, Carrie Fisher talks about coming back as Leia.

→ Costume designer Michael Kaplan talks to Elle, mostly about Daisy Ridley’s Rey costume.

→ There a new still of Captain Phasma over at Empire.

→ Brent Simon chatted with J.J. Abrams yesterday, and while he’s under embargo, he did say he saw an extended scene and that an additional 30 minutes of John Williams score that’s not in the film will be released.

The Force Awakens at the American Music Awards

First we got a new commercial, above, with a few brief bits of new footage. Much later, there was indeed a “new scene” – but one we’ve already seen most of in the trailers, Rey, Finn and BB-8 on the run:


Just with dialogue this time. Then, sure enough, Harrison Ford introduced Pentatonix’s tribute to John Williams. Here’s the whole Star Wars portion of the show:

Today in The Force Awakens: J.J. Abrams says the film is nearly done

nerdoffAt the ‘Celebrity Nerd-Off’ with Stephen Colbert, J.J. Abrams revealed that he finished the final sound mix for The Force Awakens early Saturday morning, Yahoo Movies reports. There are “six very small, but important things that (still) need to be done,” per Variety.

Deadline claims that we’ve only seen about 5% of The Force Awakens ad campaign, and that it’s really going to ramp up over Thanksgiving. I have a feeling this means ad buys, but consider yourself warned. (And remember, if you’re reading fan sites you’re already paying a lot more attention than most people are.)

→ There’s a better copy of the commercial with the new X-wing pilots up now, but it’s still not ideal.

Three more Star Wars themed ads, this time from HP.

→ Rumor: We know he’s in costume, but who is Simon Pegg playing? Making Star Wars may have the answer.

Journey to The Force Awakens: Covers for Landry Q. Walker’s 4 short stories


Discovered this morning, covers for Landry Q. Walker’s forthcoming short stories in the Journey to The Force Awakens line. They all have a second tagline, Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens, because we’re back to adding as much gobbledygook as possible to titles, I guess.

They Might Be Geeks was the first to spot them, while better quality copies were dug up by Jedi Bibliothek.

The four stories are from Disney Lucasfilm Press, and will be out as eBooks on November 30. If you lack an ereader, a print anthology (presumably named Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens) is coming in the spring. It will include two additional stories.

A fifth short from Del Rey, Delilah S. Dawson’s ‘The Perfect Weapon’, is out on November 24.

Today in The Force Awakens: Starkiller blueprints, Times Square banners

starkiller-base-blueprints-CROPNow Wired has blueprints of Starkiller Base. Or the set, anyway.

→ New Leia and Han banners have been spotted rotating on a digital billboard in Times Square. The Rey, Kylo Ren and Finn ones have been spotted before, but you can’t beat John Boyega’s reaction. UPDATE: Here’s Daisy Ridley’s.

→ Much ado has been made about the recent George Lucas interview on CBS, but I think Full of Sith has the best take on it, so I’ll leave it to them.

→ Waiting on better copies, but if you don’t mind fuzzy ones, there’s a new Disney Channel TV spot that contains our first (brief) look at Maz Kanata actually in the film, and another commercial that features two new X-wing pilots – one we think is Jessika Pava (as seen in The Weapon of a Jedi) and a Sullustan.

→ There’s a cute new TV spot with Threepio, Artoo and BB-8 from British telecommunications provider O2. Like the Verizon ad we’re seeing over here, it doesn’t contain any actual movie footage. (Is that Sean Bean narrating?)

→ A leaked Look and Find book has some spoilers for The Force Awakens. Read it if you dare. (Via Making Star Wars, who notes that it confirms some thing they’ve already leaked.)

Filming on Skellig Michael brought back memories for Mark Hamill

tfa-hamillIn today’s Empire tidbit, Mark Hamill doesn’t give us any hints to the film itself (Because Mark Hamill can keep a damn secret,) but he does share an interest parallel:

“It reminded me of when I was in Tunisia on the salt flats [shooting the first Star Wars]. If you could get into your own mind and shut out the crew and look at the horizon, you really felt like you were in a galaxy far, far away. I had that same wave of emotion happen to me when I was on Skellig Michael in Ireland. I wasn’t anticipating it.”

Today in The Force Awakens: The mother of all prop galleries, Hamill on staying mum

helmetsThere’s a fairly epic gallery of props from The Force Awakens at Wired today. Lots of good stuff for weapons and helmet geeks. And yes, some of them do have very complicated names.

Mark Hamill on keeping secrets. (No, he’s not in mo-cap for Star Wars.)

The Force Awakens has already pulled in more than $50M in advance ticket sales, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Empire has a new Kylo Ren photo (not that different from several of the old Kylo Ren photos) and Adam Driver’s compares the character to a religious fanatic. (It’s Adam Driver’s birthday, by the way. He is 32.)

→ Check out a custom stormtrooper Fiat 500e, on display at the Los Angeles Auto Show.

The Hollywood Reporter on The Force Awakens’ Oscar chances. It’s not that kind of movie, kids, but knock yourselves out, I guess.